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Updated: August 8, 2024

Yet while it was runnin' ye cudden't buy a copy iv th' Fireside Companyon an' f'r two cinchries it has proticted th' shelves iv more libries thin anny iv Milton's pomes, f'r Hogan tells me this author, who ye hardly iver hear mentioned in th' sthreet cars at th' prisint moment, was a pote as well as an author an' blind at that, an', what is more, held a prom'nent pollytickal job.

Of course an investigation showed what had been done, and again had our toil been in vain no, not in vain, for it had kept us employed, and diverted our minds from the misery of our situation. While in Savannah, we built ourselves what is known as the old fashioned Dutch oven, in which we could bake our pomes. To the younger readers a description of this oven may be interesting.

Whin I'm in dhrink, I have manny a fine thought; an', if I wasn't too comfortable to go an' look f'r th' ink-bottle, I cud write pomes that'd make Shakespeare an' Mike Scanlan think they were wurrkin' on a dredge. 'Why, says I, 'carry into th' new year th' hathreds iv th' old? I says. 'Let th' dead past bury its dead, says I. 'Tur-rn ye'er lamps up to th' blue sky, I says.

Wood was then split up fine, and a good rousing fire built, and kept up until the oven was thoroughly heated, when it would be filled to its capacity with pomes, the different messes taking turns to do their baking, and in half an hour after closing the oven up tight, they would be taken out nicely baked, and when properly made, afforded a very palatable meal.

"Here I've knowed him all these years an' I never guessed he read pomes!" He shook his head, admitted to himself that the "ol' duck" was a keen ol' cuss, returned to his book, began stripping the paper from the first stick of gum, and knew no more of what went on about him.

"And there will be no noses pulled, Cos, my boy? I'm sorry you're baulked," said Mr. Bows. "Dad, I suppose not," said Cos, rubbing his own. "What'll ye do about them letters, and verses, and pomes, Milly, darling? Ye must send 'em back." "Wigsby would give a hundred pound for 'em," Bows said, with a sneer. "'Deed, then, he would," said Captain Costigan, who was easily led.

They was pomes, too, manny iv thim, an' fine wans: 'Th' Man with th' Shovel, 'Th' Man with th' Pick, 'Th' Man with th' Cash-Raygisther, 'Th' Man with th' Snow Plow, 'Th' Man with th' Bell Punch, 'Th' Man with th' Skate, 'Th' Man with No Kick Comin'. Fine pothry, th' editor askin' who pushed this here man's forehead back an' planed down his chin, who made him wear clothes that didn't fit him and got him a job raisin' egg-plant f'r th' monno-polists in Topeka at a dollar a day.

'We're doin' th' best we can in th' matther iv gods, says I. 'We have thim cast at a first-rate foundhry, I says, 'an' we sandpa-aper thim ivry week, says I. 'As f'r knowin' things, I says, 'me people wrote pomes with a markin' brush whin th' likes iv ye was r-runnin' ar-round wearin' a short pelisse iv sheepskins an' batin' each other to death with stone hammers, says I. An' I'm f'r firin' him out, but bein' a quite man I lave him stay."

And 'Any road at any time for any where I think that is real." Overland puffed his chest and cleared his throat. "I can't help it, Miss. Born that way. Cut my first tooth on a book of pomes ma got for a premium with Mustang Liniment." "Well, thank you." And Louise nodded gayly. "Keep the tobacco and papers to remember me by. I must go."

"Papa!" said Miss Milly. "Ye wouldn't be for not sending the poor boy his letters back? Them letters and pomes is mine. They were very long, and full of all sorts of nonsense, and Latin, and things I couldn't understand the half of; indeed I've not read 'em all; but we'll send 'em back to him when the proper time comes." Nor was she in the least moved while performing this act.

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