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If on the paths of thought, so freely given, The searcher now with daring fortune stands, And, by triumphant Paeans onward driven, Would seize upon the crown with dauntless hands If he with grovelling hireling's pay Thinks to dismiss his glorious guide Or, with the first slave's-place array Art near the throne his dream supplied Forgive him!

His voice sank to a half-whisper and there was a note of horror in his words. "But, what a king he must have been! what a miserable apology for all that royalty should be by every law, human or divine! Why isn't his name heralded over the length and breadth of the kingdom in paeans of praise? Why isn't the whole world talking of his valor, his beneficence, his statesmanship?

As a poet correctly describes him, using one of the names commonly applied to him, Pindar, that eagle, mounts the skies, While virtue leads the noble way. The poems of Pindar were numerous, and comprised triumphal odes, hymns to the gods, paeans, dirges, and songs of various kinds.

It was Christmas, and all over the Christian world arose paeans of praise for the birth of the Saviour. The sufferer was conscious of the fact, and a sweet smile played upon her lips, as she thought of Jesus that he had lived and died for her.

But amid your ovations the memory of a lonely man, who loves you infinitely better than all the world for which you forsook him, will come like a breath from the sepulchre, to wither your bays; and my words, my pleading words, will haunt you, rising above the paeans of your public worshippers.

He did not look happy as they landed, though paeans of praise were being sung in his honour. As the days passed on, "the fisherman of the Pass" began to dance attendance on Annette. What had seemed a joke became serious. Aunt Nina, urged by Philip, remonstrated, and even the mamma of the pink sunbonnet began to look grave.

Often in the past has the religion of Jesus seemed to be wearing or worn out, but it has a strange recuperative power, and is wont to startle its enemies' paeans over its grave by rising again and winning renewed victories. 'What I have written I have written. JOHN xix. 22. This was a mere piece of obstinacy.

And now that he stands before the world a Teacher, we may drop his personal name, K'ung Ch'iu, and call him by the title to which paeans of praise have been swelling through all the ages since: K'ung Futse, K'ung the Master; latinized, Confucius.

After that, the radiant, baffling silence of daybreak on uninhabited wastes, when the very active glory of the spreading, intensifying light ought, one feels, to bring paeans of orchestral splendor. It set desperation in the hearts of the riders, which was communicated to weary ponies driven to a last effort of speed. And still no more shots.

The Signora had returned to England, was performing then at Ashley's Theatre. The O'Kelly would remain under long spells of silence, puffing vigorously at his pipe. Or would fortify himself with paeans in praise of Mrs. O'Kelly. "If anything could ever make a model man of me" he spoke in the tones of one whose doubts are stronger than his hopes "it would be the example of that woman."