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Raaff asked him to call on me and to show me his portrait, to see me often, and to assist me in every way, and to establish an intimate friendship with me. It seems he went to him every morning, and repeatedly said to Kymli, "I was at Herr Mozart's again yesterday evening; he is, indeed, a wonderful little fellow; he is an out-and-outer, and no mistake!" and was always praising me.

Think how these jolly old cocks tower away, with their shrill whistle, through the tree-tops, and twist and dodge with an agility of wing and thought-like speed, scarcely inferior to the snipe's or swallow's, and fly a half mile if you miss them; and laugh to scorn the efforts of any one to bag them, who is not an out-and-outer!

The discovery is at once made that they are sympathetic souls; each of them says at the same moment, that he sees the other understands what's what: and they become fast friends at once, more especially when it appears, that the second out-and-outer is no other than a gentleman, long favourably known to his familiars as 'Mr.

The first night's generally rather unsettled, but you'll be set all squares to-morrow. After some discussion, it was discovered that one of the turnkeys had a bed to let, which Mr. Pickwick could have for that night. He gladly agreed to hire it. 'If you'll come with me, I'll show it you at once, said the man. 'It ain't a large 'un; but it's an out-and-outer to sleep in. This way, sir.

I don't know whether that is any thing to eat and drink or not, but I think they call this here bear-garden the Stock Exchange, and here the out-and-outer spends more than half his days."

I'm hard put to it to live unless I can get another fight, and who's going to back me now?" "Tut, man! the knowing ones will back you. You're the top of the list, for all Ned Painter. But there are other ways a man may earn a bit. There was a lady in here this morning nothing flash, boy, a real tip-top out-and-outer with a coronet on her coach asking after you." "Asking after me! A lady!"

He was enthusiastically welcomed by Bob, duly introduced to the company, and at once joined them, making himself so thoroughly at home with them, and entering so completely into the spirit of the affair, that he sprang at a single bound into their best graces, and was vehemently declared by one and all to be "a real out-and-outer."

Conversation being soon opened by some casual remark, the second out-and-outer confidentially informs the first, that he is one of the rough sort and hates that kind of thing, only he couldn't very well be off coming; to which the other replies, that that's just his case-'and I'll tell you what, continues the out- and-outer in a whisper, 'I should like a glass of warm brandy and water just now,'-'Or a pint of stout and a pipe, suggests the other out-and-outer.

'A pinchbeck gentleman, eh! had been Dave Brainerd's scornful comment upon hearing this. 'The worst set to deal with; I'd rather tackle a straight out-and-outer any day.

I am a High Churchman I vow I am an out-and-outer. I go in for snippets and shortening things. The man here is a dreadful old Erastian piles on everything you can pile on so I just felt it necessary to give Lady Niton notice. To-morrow I have work for the department at home! Take my advice, Miss Mallory don't go." "I'm not staying over Sunday," smiled Diana. The young man expressed his regret.