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Everybody's beatin' it for the place; but, at that, old Dainey comes out of it all right, an' goes crazy with joy 'cause some guy offers him twenty-five thousand bucks for his claim, an' throws in the expenses home for good luck. He gets the money in cash, twenty-five one-thousand-dollar bills, an' the chicken feed for the expenses, an' starts for back here an' the old woman.

In this connection the judge expressed the opinion that it was unfortunate that persons falsely accused of crime and unjustly imprisoned should have no financial redress other than by a special act of the legislature. The defendant in the case at bar had been locked up for six weeks. Among the contributions was found a new one-thousand-dollar bill.

There was something ghastly in the thought that as the slayer of a human being he attained a certain dignity in the eyes of men like Leary. But he became interested in the transaction that was now taking place between the thief and the Governor. The Governor extracted the sixty one-thousand-dollar bills from his bag, and laid them out on the bed.

He had aimed too low an' hit the wall, an' was stunned, an' apparently, for the time, dead as a herrin' on the farther side of it. I removed the ten one-thousand-dollar bills from his person to prevent complications an' tenderly laid him down. Then he came to very sudden. "'Stop! he murmured. 'You're robbin' me. "'Well, you begun it, I says. 'Don't judge me hastily. I'm a philanthropist.

He's got a beautiful business system about the way he uses his brains. All I had to do was to hold up the photograph so he could see it, and name the price. He just smiled, and walked over to a safe and got the cash. Twenty one-thousand-dollar brand-new United States Treasury notes he laid on the table, like I'd pay out a dollar and a quarter.

"Let's figure it out trial-balance fashion," said Whitney to his private secretary, Vagen. "Five, including two-thousand-dollar Romney, say I 'may go soon. Three, including our one-thousand-dollar neighbor, Saltonstal, say I am 'in no immediate danger. But what the Romneys mean by 'soon, and what the Saltonstals mean by 'immediate, none of the eight says."

He lifted his own hat a little mechanically, and thought that he had never seen so many pretty girls at one time under one roof. Wilmot buttoned his coat over fifteen one-thousand-dollar bills. Only supreme necessity could have persuaded him to take them, since, although he had not put his name to a paper of any kind, he felt a little as if he had sold himself to the devil.

Heaven knows I'm but an amateur in this line normally an honest man, with but slightly way-ward tendencies. Whooping O'Shaughnessy! Just look! Six one-thousand-dollar bills, fifty one-hundreds that's eleven thousand! A sheaf of fifties and twenties, swelling the total to something like twelve thousand! Hoo-ray! Again I ask, am I dreaming? Pinch me, I'll stop snoring, 'deed I will.

She can't go back on it now. I've got the bonds and I'm going to dispose of them." "Very well," said Mr. Tutt tolerantly. "You can do as you see fit. But" and he produced ten genuine one-thousand-dollar bills and exhibited them to Mr. Badger at a safe distance "I now on behalf of Mrs.

I'm I'm all right, you bet! Now what'll you do or take water?" he fleered. Surreptitiously Loring had tried the coin with his penknife during this controversy. The metal was quite soft the knife left a great scar, which he flashed at Mitchell. "Well if you insist," said Mitchell reluctantly. He counted out ten one-thousand-dollar bills. "Who'll be the judge?" "Anybody. Archie.