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One-eye may have felt lonely, for he found himself the only dog in all that camp, and he knew very well what had become of the dogs he used to know: they had gone to the famine, and there had been no sort of funeral ceremonies, and now there could be no kind of neighborly quarrel over bones any more.

Two Arrows required a breath or so before he could believe that the thing was a reality, and then he broke out into a yell of delight. One-eye, standing behind him, began to bark vociferously, although nobody had given him anything except unlimited bones. Every Nez Percé brave present deemed it his duty to shake hands with Sile, and Long Bear was summoned at once to do the same.

and seated herself at her table, and ate and drank until she was satisfied, and then she again cried, "Bleat, bleat, my little goat, I pray, And take the table quite away," and in an instant all was gone. Two-eyes now awakened One-eye, and said, "One-eye, you want to take care of the goat, and go to sleep while you are doing it, and in the meantime the goat might run all over the world.

The cart went rumble, crumble, crack, crack, crack, over the leaves and twigs, and One-Eye sang to her donkey: "Steady, steady, We're always ready," in a most cheerful voice. Then the cart came to the fluff-feather, and over it went crash, bang, splutter; and the potatoes flew everywhere, like rain.

"He's the strongest longshoreman in N'York. He can carry five sacks of flour on his back, and one under both arms." Disdainfully One-Eye lifted his lone brow, and he passed over the remark. "The point is," he continued, "that if y' ever figger t' go back, now's the time." Johnnie saw the argument. And to his own surprise he found himself willing to go.

To cover her embarrassment, she dashed into her closet room and brought out Letitia, ragged dress and all, as if the sight of the poor beloved would speak for her more eloquently than she could for herself. Which proved to be the case. For One-Eye stared at Letitia till that single eye fairly bored through her sawdust frame. Next he took her up and turned her about, his lips shut tight.

"Then I guess you better tie up my arm," went on Johnnie, which bit of inspired diplomacy sent the whole sympathizing group into whoops of laughter. "Ain't he the ticket?" demanded one man. One-Eye 'lowed that he was. The tying was done.

If a dog could use flint and steel, no doubt One-eye would have obeyed; as it was, Two Arrows had to attend to that business for himself, and it was not long before a great blazing fire of mountain pine was throwing flashes of magnificent light upon the mighty precipices in all directions.

"We had. It'll take us west on a bee-line, and it'll go to all the chances for water there are." The buffaloes could safely be trusted for that, and before the sun was up the mining party was following the very path which had led the big game within reach of Two Arrows and One-eye.

Now this one strikes me as a first-class boy" praise that instantly and completely wiped out that hurt somewhere in Johnnie's interior. One-Eye had not come empty-handed. He had cigars for Big Tom, a paper bag of pears for every one, and a carefully wrapped box tied with glistening string which turned out to be candy.