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It seemed in very bad taste on his part; he explained to me off-handedly that he insisted upon the exchange of a word or two for the single purpose of protecting her from calumny. By and by it grew more explicable to me how witless she had been to give gossip a handle in the effort to escape it. She sent for him in Paris, but he did not pay the visit.

Mrs. Dale was rather crushing to masculine intruders of this sort, especially when they adopted an off-handedly gallant air. In answering their questions she drawled slightly, and smiled in a manner that, although not contemptuous, might permit them to guess that they had made a tactless mistake. "Oh, no, we do not let lodgings." "Don't you really? I think you ought to, you know."

After a moment he added, with a sort of confused, as if official air, "I hope, Kemp, you'll be able to explain satisfactorily..." I said, rather off-handedly, "Why, the two men I killed ought to be credentials enough for all immediate purposes!" "That isn't what I meant," he said. He spoke rather with a mumble, and apologetically.

Wace, after a few suitable consolatory observations, a little off-handedly proffered perhaps, hurried at once to Great Portland Street. But there he learned that the crystal egg had already been sold to a tall, dark man in grey. And there the material facts in this curious, and to me at least very suggestive, story come abruptly to an end.

It seemed in very bad taste on his part; he explained to me off-handedly that he insisted upon the exchange of a word or two for the single purpose of protecting her from calumny. By and by it grew more explicable to me how witless she had been to give gossip a handle in the effort to escape it. She sent for him in Paris, but he did not pay the visit.

Cleek blew a cloud of smoke into the air and swung one leg across the other with a sort of devil-may-care air that was part of his Headland make-up in this piece. "Well," said he, off-handedly, "all I can say is, I wouldn't like to be in your master's shoes, Borkins. He's guilty not a doubt of it; and he'll certainly be called to justice." "You think so?"

The effect of this restriction, made obviously at the behest of some deep passion, was to make him suddenly sinister. They gazed at him as though he had revealed that he carried arms. But Ellen remembered business again. "Those letters," she reminded Mr. Philip, "had I not better read them over before Mr. Yaverland goes?" Yaverland caught his breath, then spoke off-handedly. "You're forgetting.

"You said that he reminded you of something," Caleb began rather heavily. "It recalled something to me, too. I wonder if you remember a little fishing trip that we took, some ten or twelve years ago, Dexter, up into the hills? It was to the headwaters of the cast branch, somewhere in the neighborhood of the Reserve Company's holdings, I should say." "Why, yes," the other answered, off-handedly.

"But would it not be better to let him go away and be happy with the maid who loves him than to spoil his life by wasting his affection on you, when you only think him a great pug-looking creature that you'd be ashamed to be seen with?" "Yes, I don't care for him," she said still more off-handedly; "but he doesn't look so queer now I've got used to him.

It was something that would have been accepted off-handedly by me. I had been in jail often, not for a cause, as I punned wretchedly, but be-cause. I did not accord hero-worship to Penton when he returned, as the women of the household did. For a week it quite reconciled Hildreth with him.... But on the first night of his absence Hildreth and I took a stroll together in the moonlight.