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Although it gave her the keenest pleasure to address the highest bulwarks of the peerage off-handedly as "duke" and "duchess," there had been moments of confusion when she had lapsed naturally into "your grace."

He was as particular about the comfortable arrangement of his part of the boat, as an old stage-driver is about the snugness of his box. When close to the whale, in the very death-lock of the fight, he handled his unpitying lance coolly and off-handedly, as a whistling tinker his hammer. He would hum over his old rigadig tunes while flank and flank with the most exasperated monster.

" ... Grumper means it most kindly but ... we want you to ourselves the last day or two ... anyhow...." "D'you want me to yourself, Piggy-wee?" asked Dam, trying to speak lightly and off-handedly. "Of course I do, you Ass. Shan't see you for centuries and months. Nothing to do but weep salt tears till Christmas. Go into a decline or a red nose very likely.

'O no, said her husband off-handedly. 'These country lads will carry a hundredweight once they get it on their backs; besides his pack had more size than weight in it.

It destroyed the hut, it burnt down the wood, and it made that pile of lime you found, Cumshaw." "What pile was that?" Moira queried quickly. "I didn't see any." "Mr. Cumshaw passed a pile in the bushes as we came along," I said off-handedly. "The heat must have rendered the stones down." She accepted my explanation at its face value. "No wonder the place remained hidden," I ran on.

After the next ship had discharged, its captain walked into the Consulate and exclaimed off-handedly, "Now, Consul, quick with my papers; I want to be off." Burton looked up and replied unconcernedly: "I haven't finished my letters." "Oh d your letters," cried the captain, "I can't wait for them." "Stop a bit," cried Burton, "let's refer to your contract," and he unfolded the paper.

The case for nature against urbanity could not be more tersely nor better put. The German metaphysical doctrine which was the deepest part of the teaching of Wordsworth and Coleridge and their main discovery, he expresses as curtly and off-handedly, "The sun's light when he unfolds it, Depends on the organ that beholds it."

The allied peoples were meanwhile content to muddle through in the old way. This difference explains much that seems puzzling in the outcome of the struggle. It has been affirmed somewhat off-handedly that the Latin and British peoples, incapable of united and organized effort, have halted at the individualist stage. They are supposed to lack the bump of organization.

"In my opinion, you were talking very sensibly and even with considerable shrewdness; only I thought you too irritable," observed Zametoff off-handedly. "Do let us have some tea! We are as dry as fishes!" exclaimed Razoumikhin. "Good idea! But perhaps you would like something more substantial before tea, would you?" "Look alive, then!" Porphyrius Petrovitch went out to order tea.

He had changed his clothes, and he had shaved! Now how could one treat a hero such as he save as I treated him when I remarked off-handedly that he must have had a lively watch? "My," he answered, equally off-handedly, "I did get a prime soaking." That was all. He had had no time to see me at the poop-rail.