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And their cookin', though excellent, wuz no better than the Smiths could cook if they sot out to. He bein' so good natered didn't dispute me outright, but said he thought the Allens made better nut-cakes than the Smiths. But they don't, no such thing. In fact I think the Smith nut-cakes are lighter and have a more artistic twist to 'em and don't devour so much fat a-fryin'.

The tall buildin's we looked at, one of 'em 260 feet high, 20 storys elevators that carry 40,000 passengers and a garden on the roof, a garden 260 feet in the air, where you can set and talk and eat nut-cakes, and fried oysters the idee! And then the block that Mr. Bolster said wuz the largest business block in the world, it accomidated 6000 people.

Millions of folks did she see move into her neighborhood. And what a party would she had to gin to have took all her neighbors in! What a immense amount of nut-cakes would she have had to fry, and cookies! Why, countin' two nut-cakes to a person and that is a small estimate for a healthy man to eat, judgin' by my own pardner she would have had to fry millions of nut-cakes.

Then, as the child ran off, the stout lady began to rummage in her closet, saying, as she rattled and slammed: "I'll jest take her a drawin' of tea and a couple of nut-cakes: mebby she'll relish 'em, for I shouldn't wonder ef she hadn't had a mouthful this blessed day.

They found when they entered the house that Mary Erskine had been frying nut-cakes and apple-turnovers for them. There was a large earthen pan full of such things, and there were more over the fire. There were also around the table four bowls full of very rich looking milk, with a spoon in each bowl, and a large supply of bread, cut into very small pieces, upon a plate near the bowls.

He looked off on the seen grander than anything Fairy Land ever dremp on or ever will, I believe. And then he looked pensively at my silk bag where I'd stored all the cookies and nut-cakes it would hold, to keep up his strength between meals.

Indeed, latterly his appetite had exceeded his means of gratifying it, and more than once he had longed to be back at his old home in the Vermont farm-house, where the table was always generously, if not elegantly, furnished. If Ebenezer had a special weakness it was for doughnuts, which he called nut-cakes.

The fire was so big and so hot by this time that it threatened to burn up the whole grove, so the small boys were persuaded to devote their energies to toasting thin slices of bacon, held on the ends of long sticks, and later to help pass the rolls and coffee that went with the bacon, and to brown the marshmallows, which, with delicious little nut-cakes, made up the last course.

"Come over to the shop tomorrow and see if it isn't " Griffin began, when there was a sound of laughter and talking in the outer hall and the door opened to admit Bruce, Margaret Howes, the two Halden girls and Judith. Mr. Spicer and Mrs. Shelly came in almost at the same time, and Miss Jinny's delicious tea and nut-cakes were served with great gayety and lively chatter.

But I laid my hand on him and led him away, I knowed such seens wuz bad for his nerve. He trembled like a popple leaf, and the minute we got through the gate I had to set down with him and deal out four nut-cakes before he wuz himself agin. I wuz determined this day to go to the Palace of Fine Arts, so we did and I put in a time of almost perfect happiness there.