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From Santa Barbara, Father Lasuen traveled north to Lompoc, and founded Mission La Purisima Concepcion on December 8, 1787. Mission de Nuestra Senora de in Soledad was founded in October of 1791. The last Act of Secularization in 1835 fell very heavily on this lovely Mission of which scarcely a trace remains today. This mission was noted for its fine stock and luxuriant pastures.

They were very lofty, and covered with trees. Columbus called the neighboring sea Mar de Nuestra Senora, and to the harbor near the entrance to these islands he gave the name of Puerto del Principe. This harbor he says he did not enter until the Sunday following, which was four days after.

How'm I to git a charter for the Nuestra, with you and yer slack jaw runnin' wild up and down the waterfront tellin' all hands and the ship's cook I'm goin' to yer blasted island in my schooner? Hop in the river, but keep clear o' me and mine! Won't have it from ye!" "Der sun his het in," said Vanderzee, with a significant nod toward Dinshaw. He wanted to avoid trouble. "He iss crassy."

Still, however, the inbred abhorrence of idolatry had influenced his manner of worship, and when, after half a life-time, Granada had fallen, and the Inquisition had begun to take cognisance of new Christians from among the Moors as well as the Jews, there were not lacking spies to report the absence of all sacred images or symbols from the house of the wealthy merchant, and that neither he nor any of his family had been seen kneeling before the shrine of Nuestra Senora.

Mds. en tantos de hebrero del dicho año á hacer esta segunda declaración, donde comenzó á descubrir mas la piedad de su buen ánimo; y ansí como no tenía de nuevo cosa particular que decir de ,... dice confusamente que me sintió inclinado á novedades agenas de la antigüedad de nuestra fe y religion, en lo cual si este testigo tuviese conciencia..., habia de señalar en particular algunas novedades que hubiese visto en mi doctrina, ó oido en mis disputas;... Demás desto si es verdad que sintió de lo que dice ¿por qué en la deposicion primera que hizo por el diciembre no lo declaró?

In Spain, Nuestra Señora de la Merced is the patroness of the Order of Mercy; and in this character she often holds in her hand small tablets bearing the badge of the Order. S.M. "della Liberta," or "Liberatrice," Our Lady of Liberty; and S.M. "della Catena," Our Lady of Fetters. In this character she is invoked by prisoners and captives.

Of these the principal were the Santo-Cristo, the Jesus-Maria, the Santo Sacramento, La Concepcion, the San Juan, the Virgen de la Solitud, and the Nuestra Senora del Buen Socorro. This 'silver fleet' was moored under the guns of the 'chief castle, San Cristobal, the mean work at the root of the mole.

He also built another at Nombre de Dios, and called it Nuestra Seniora de la Antigua. A town was built at Uraba, in which Francis Pisarro was left with the command, who was there much annoyed by the natives. They likewise built other towns, the names of which I omit. In this enterprize the Spaniards did not meet with the success they expected.

Early in the morning, when Manila was turning over for another nap, a victoria from the Bay View took Locke, Trask, and Marjorie over the Bridge of Spain and through Plaza Moraga to the landing steps, where the tug which was to take the Nuestra Señora del Rosario to sea was waiting to put the voyagers aboard the schooner. The Nuestra was at anchor down the bay.

Of this historical treatment there are beautiful examples from Cimabue down to Raphael, which will be noticed hereafter in their proper place. Our Lady of Succour. Ital. La Madonna di Misericordia. Fr. Nôtre Dame de Miséricorde. Ger. Maria Mutter des Erbarmens. Sp. Nuestra Señora de Grazia.