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Updated: August 12, 2024

"A fine day, John," he said, lounging up to the engine where John was leaning on the rail, contemplating the departure of the passengers whose lives had been in his hands for the last hour and a half, while Will Garvie was oiling some of the joints of the iron horse. John admitted that it was a fine day, and asked what was the noos. "Nothing particular doing just now," said Mr Sharp.

"You be in luck, Jim," Giles exclaimed as the matron closed the door. "You've turned up a Jack!" "Have ye heard the noos?" said Betty Tuffin, thrusting in her head at old Mrs. Haskell's open door. "Lard, no, my dear," returned her crony, hastily dropping the crooked iron bar with which she had been drawing together the logs upon her hearthstone.

"Do you mean that George is taken a prisoner?" The Ancient nodded, and inhaled his pinch of snuff with much evident relish. "It be gert noos, bean't it, Peter?" "What have they done with him? Where is he, Ancient?" But, before the old man could answer, Simon appeared. "Ah, Peter!" said he, shaking his head, "the Gaffer's been tellin' ye 'ow they've took Jarge for poachin', I suppose "

"S'prisin' noos it be ah! an' 'stonishin' tu. But first of all, Peter, I wants to ax 'ee a question." "What is it, Ancient?"

Likewise I get authentic noos of the rest of Europe, and I can send a message to Mr X. in Petrograd and Mr Y. in London, or, if I wish, to Mr Z. in Noo York. What's the matter with that for a post-office? I'm the best informed man in Constantinople, for old General Liman only hears one side, and mostly lies at that, and Enver prefers not to listen at all.

I weren't quite so tall as Jarge, p'r'aps, by about say 'alf-a-inch, but then, I were wider wider, ah! a sight wider in the shoulder, an' so strong as four bulls! an' wi' eyes big an' sharp an' piercin' like Peter's, only Peter's bean't quite so sharp, no, nor yet so piercin' an' that minds me as I've got noos for 'ee, Peter." "What news?" said I, turning.

First thing, I started out to get the cipher. It took some looking for, but there's no cipher on earth can't be got hold of somehow if you know it's there, and in this case we were helped a lot by the return messages in the German papers. It was bad stuff when we read it, and explained the darned leakages in important noos we've been up against.

"Guess none o' you heard the news?" he inquired, with a grin of anticipation. His first effort failed to produce the effect he desired, so a repetition followed quickly. For a moment play was suspended at one of the tables, and the men looked up. "Noos?" inquired Diamond Jack. The Kid and his youthful companions looked round at the foxy face of their host. "Oh!

"Friend!" exclaimed the cobbler, "to which I says Hookey Walker, sir! 'Andsome gells don't want friends o' your kind. Besides, she ain't here you can see that for yourself. Your heyes 'as been a-deceiving of you, try next door." "But I must see her," said Barnabas, "I wish to help her, I have good news for her " "Noos?" said the cobbler, "Oh? Ah!

"Have you really put on the blue ribbon?" The poor child's thin pretty little race flushed with hope for a moment. "Oh, it ain't that, dear," said Mrs Mooney, "but Lockley ain't drownded arter all! He's he's " Here Pat Stiver broke in, and began to explain to the bewildered girl. He was yet in the midst of his "noos," when the door was flung open, and Mrs Lockley hurried in.

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