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"I've no words to waste on impudent young fellers as comes from nobody knows where," he said loftily. "My words is addressed to my niece, as I see sitting there, a-deceiving of her lawful rellytive and guardian. Go you home at once, miss!" "Rot!" exclaimed Brent. "She'll go home when she likes and not at all, if she doesn't like! You stick where you are, Queenie! I'm here."

"He is in the forge now, he is; a-having his shoes changed, and his tail trimmed." "I'd give a shilling to anybody as 'ud cut his tail off;" angrily rejoined Mrs. Peckaby. "A-deceiving of me, and turning my inside all of a quake! Oh, I wish it 'ud come! The white donkey as is to bear me to New Jerusalem!"

"And what if I am? I'd chop off their 'eads, I tell ye, with j'y and gusto!" "And pray where is Clemency?" "Eh?" exclaimed the little cobbler, pushing up his horn spectacles, "'oo did ye say?" "Where is the lady who came in here a moment ago?" "Lady?" said the cobbler, shaking his round, bald head, "Lord, sir, your heyes 'as been a-deceiving of you!" "I am her friend!"

"Friend!" exclaimed the cobbler, "to which I says Hookey Walker, sir! 'Andsome gells don't want friends o' your kind. Besides, she ain't here you can see that for yourself. Your heyes 'as been a-deceiving of you, try next door." "But I must see her," said Barnabas, "I wish to help her, I have good news for her " "Noos?" said the cobbler, "Oh? Ah!