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To-day you cannot stretch it over a mole-hill, to-morrow it hides a mountain. O how happy they were now that young pair! How the days flew like dreams! Time went on, winter passed away, and the early spring, with its flowers and sunshine, was like a mirror to their own youth.

"My darling Bella," said he, "don't you make a mountain of a mole-hill. The moment you told me I should be a father I began to get better, and to laugh at Richard Bassett's malice. Of course I was terribly knocked over at first by being captured like a felon and clapped under lock and key; but I am getting over that. My head gets muddled once a day, that is all.

So he was always there, crawling like a snake, too far off to recognize the insect entomologically besides, that was done but near enough to perceive that large, moving point traveling over the ground. The manticore, arrived near the palisade, had met the large entrance of a mole-hill that opened at the foot of the enclosure.

"A mole-hill like Montmartre would have been ground to powder in a moment." "Mole-hill!" exclaimed Ben Zoof, stung to the quick. "I can tell you it would have caught up your bit of a comet and worn it like a feather in a cap." The professor looked angry, and Servadac having imposed silence upon his orderly, explained the worthy soldier's sensitiveness on all that concerned Montmartre.

'But don't you see, Edith, the attention should have been paid to me, not to you. 'He could hardly send you flowers, Bruce. I'm sure he thought it was the proper thing. Bruce walked up and down the room greatly agitated. 'I admit that this is a matter that requires consideration. I shouldn't like to make a mountain out of a mole-hill. We'll see; we'll give him a chance.

They were wise in their generation. Old heads only muddle young hearts. To confer the dignity of age upon the differences of youth but serves to turn a mole-hill into a mountain. But one memorable evening, when the boyish and enthusiastic major and Garrison returned from an all-day session at the track, they found Mrs.

Naturally, people won't stand being bullied and interfered with if they can help it. It isn't human nature. 'No; and it isn't human nature to share the person one loves with anyone else. That I could never do. I shall show him that. 'The question doesn't arise. I feel certain you're making a mountain out of a mole-hill, dear. Well cheer up! Anne took her departure.

Edward was not at that moment clear-headed enough to remember that King William's fall, which occasioned his death, was said to be owing to his horse stumbling at a mole-hill; yet felt inclined to take umbrage at a toast, which seemed, from the glance of Balmawhapple's eye, to have a peculiar and uncivil reference to the Government which he served.

Another time, walking to the top of a fresh mole-hill, I fell to my neck in the hole through which that animal had cast up the earth. I likewise broke my right shin against the shell of a snail, which I happened to stumble over as I was walking alone and thinking on poor England.

On the one hand, there is a not unnatural disinclination for the trouble necessary to re-open a case already heard and judged: on the other, is a most natural inclination to take every fresh fact discovered, or every old blunder detected, as of paramount importance. The explorer in strange lands is too apt to take every mole-hill for a mountain.