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I am hot by nature, and can scarce contain my self; give me but a mess of peaseporridge, and I care not two-pence for my mother. Very well, I shall meet thee abroad, thou mouse; nay, rather mole-hill. Can't you tell what to make of it, that you look so like a mouse in a trap?

The insect collects it and then, moving backwards, with its fore-legs closed over the load, it hoists it up through the shaft and flings it outside, upon the mole-hill, which rises by so much above the threshold of the burrow.

The words really pricked her conscience, and to be scolded is one thing, to be severely and solemnly reproached is another; and before a man! The official woman-hater was melted in a moment by the saucy girl's tears. "There there," said he, kindly, "have a little mercy. Hang it all! Don't make a mountain of a mole-hill." The official man-hater never moved a muscle.

Edward was not at that moment clear-headed enough to remember that King William's fall, which occasioned his death, was said to be owing to his horse stumbling at a mole-hill; yet felt inclined to take umbrage at a toast which seemed, from the glance of Balmawhapple's eye, to have a peculiar and uncivil reference to the Government which he served.

I would rather be living in my own Dutch land, where we see no hill higher than a mole-hill, and where we have the sea ready to come in over the country with every storm, than I would live out in these beautiful lands, where the earthquake like the sea, and the mountains are like so many cannons stuck in the ground with their muzzles up."

Women of this stamp never fail to seize all opportunities of exclaiming, in the bitterest manner, against every one upon whom even the slightest suspicion of indiscretion or unchastity has fallen; taking care, as they go along, to magnify every mole-hill into a mountain, and every thoughtless freedom into the blackest of crimes.

Certainly the Capitol seen from this side isn't commanding. The hill is so low, the ascent so narrow, Michael Angelo's architecture in the quadrangle at the top so meagre, the whole place somehow so much more of a mole-hill than a mountain, that for the first ten minutes of your standing there Roman history seems suddenly to have sunk through a trap-door.

The whole affair, besides, is a matter of the past, so what need is there for any arguments; they will only be making a mountain of a mole-hill! I have just one word of advice to give you; don't, from henceforward, be up to so much reckless mischief outside; and concern yourself a little less with other people's affairs!

I hoped to be back in time to join the Montagues in climbing Mont Blanc, and here I am tied up between these mole-hill mountains and city law-offices. How shall I ever get through with the time?" A pony-phaeton, containing two ladies, appeared at the foot of the hill and slowly approached.

She stirred feebly, and she found that he had set her a little way from him, still holding her by the shoulders, as if he feared she would fall. "Do you feel better, missus?" "I'm all right," she snapped. "I beg your pardon if I took any liberty, missus. But I thought maybe you'd turned fainty-like." "You thought wrong" her anger was mounting "I trod on a mole-hill.