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Updated: August 3, 2024

It is indeed almost incredible to relate what mirth, what sport, what diversion, the grovelling inhabitants here on earth give to the above-seated gods in heaven: for these exalted deities spend their fasting sober hours in listening to those petitions that are offered up, and in succouring such as they are appealed to by for redress; but when they are a little entered at a glass of nectar, they then throw off all serious concerns, and go and place themselves on the ascent of some promontory in heaven, and from thence survey the little mole-hill of earth.

It was the strangest laugh in the world, full of joy, full of laughter, and full of scorn. He saw the young gentleman to the front gate. It's all right! Don't make a mountain out of a mole-hill!" and then in a different voice, "Bless you, my son!" Then he had come back to the house still laughing, and one heard him shouting, "Where are you, Lucy? Come here! The game's up now!

A mole-hill seems but a small heap of earth to send a King to moulder beneath a heap of earth himself, but the fall proved fatal to a system which had long been weakening, and a few days later his Majesty died, commending my Lord Marlborough to the Princess Anne as the guide and counsellor on whose wisdom and power she might most safely rely.

She makes a great hit with the bust. Who's responsible? Well, the creature that supplied the inspiration, largely. She'll feel gratitude. He'll take advantage of anything that comes his way. And frankly, Dr. Ferris, I may be making a mountain out of a mole-hill, but I'm worried to death. Suppose I told you that, say, Duane Carter spent hours every day in Barbara's studio?" Dr.

The labourers show themselves very seldom, so busy are they at the bottom of their pits. At moments, here and there, the summit of a tiny mole-hill begins to totter and tumbles down the slopes of the cone: it is a worker coming up with her armful of rubbish and shooting it outside, without showing herself in the open. Nothing more for the moment.

But this prospect was soon clouded, and my hopes brought very low indeed when I found that, instead of pushing on with vigor without regarding a little rough road, they were halting to level every mole-hill, and to erect bridges over every brook, by which means we were four days in getting twelve miles."

Weldon was forced to allow that it must be so, but she did not dream of blaming the poor man, so perfectly unconscious of his actions. "The unfortunate! what will become of him?" she asked herself. It is needless to say that the mole-hill had been closed up the same day, and with the greatest care, and that the watch was doubled inside as well as outside the factory.

His prayer for them prevails, and the reason for its prevalence is God's delight in Him. The very sublime of self- sacrificing love was in the lawgiver, but the height of his love, measured against the immeasurable altitude of Christ's, is as a mole-hill to the Andes. III. We have the last soaring desire which rises above the limits of the present.

Lycidas believed that, had Antiochus Epiphanes laid the crown of Syria at the feet of Zarah, she would have rejected the gift; but breathed there a maiden in Judaea who could do aught but accept with pride the proffered hand of her country's hero of him who was to all other mortals as snow-capped Lebanon to a mole-hill?

"Of course," agreed Ronald. "And, Aunt Avery, you must go with her. You can't start level with Julian and me." Avery laughed at the amendment and fell in with it. They adjusted themselves for the trial of speed, while Olive stationed herself on a mole-hill to give the signal. The valley below them was in deep shadow. The last of the sunlight lay upon the hilltop.

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