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His charming manners confirmed, too, all that preconceived notions had said of him. He became a social favourite. It began with Mr. and Mrs. Dunkin's calling upon him. Then followed Alonzo Taft, and when the former two gave a reception for the visitor, his position was assured. Miltonville had not yet arisen to the dignity of having a literary society.

Halliburn insisted that I should follow you, for he was alarmed in regard to your safety." "Mr. Win I have not heard your name yet," interposed the lieutenant. "This is Mr. Winfield Milton, of Miltonville," added Grace, with another blush. "I am glad to see you, Mr. Milton, for you can be of service to me. I suppose you are acquainted with this locality?" replied Deck.

When Captain Gordon arrived at the scene of the skirmish with the second platoon, he paroled the prisoners. In the afternoon we marched to Millersville." "Who is the man that came over to the second company with Sergeant Knox?" asked the major. "He was a stranger to me; and I thought I knew every man in the squadron." "His name is Winfield Milton, of Miltonville," replied Captain Gordon.

As soon as the men were gone, Martha Ann started out upon her rounds, and her proud tongue did for the women portion of Miltonville what the visit to Matthews' store did for the men. Did Mrs. So-and-So remember brother John? Indeed she did. And when the story was told, it was a "Well, well, well! he used to be an ol' beau o' mine."

He had not thought that they would dare to violate the seal around which he had woven such a halo. He saw that all was over, and, throwing up his hands with a despairing gesture, he bowed graciously and left the room with the constable. All Miltonville had the story next day, and waited no less eagerly than before for the "settin' of co't."

"How did you escape from the ruffians?" asked Deck. "We saw them coming from the direction of Miltonville; and Mr. Halliburn, who is my guardian, sent me to carry his valuables to the mansion of his brother, about a mile and a half from his own house," replied Grace, by this time quite reassured by the presence of the soldiers. "Have you the valuables now?"

"I des wanted to s'prise you a little, Marthy," he said. She was too happy to answer and, pressing his arm very tightly, she walked out among her congratulating friends, and between her husband and the Rev. Silas Todbury went proudly home to her Christmas dinner. Three It took something just short of a revolution to wake up the sleepy little town of Miltonville.

It had been so long since anyone save those whom they knew had alighted at Miltonville that the loungers had lost faith, and with it curiosity, and now they scarcely changed their positions as the little engine stopped with a snort of disgust. But in an instant indifference had fled as the mist before the sun, and every eye on the platform was staring and white.

"So much the better," replied the aide-de-camp, as the two scouts saluted the major. "Milton, are you acquainted about here?" "As well as in the dooryard of my father's house in Miltonville. I have been to Fishing Creek as man and boy, and fished it for its whole length," replied the new recruit. "Do you know the road across the country to the Danville Pike?

They were still slumbering that hot August day, unmindful of the sensation that lay at their very doors, heedless of the portents that said as plain as preaching, "Miltonville, the time is at hand, awake!" So it was that that afternoon there were only a few loungers, and these not very alert, about the station when the little train wheezed and puffed its way into it.