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Let us picture to ourselves two races of men so different as the Milesian Celts on the one side, and the Scandinavian Norman French on the other, having concluded such a treaty as that of Windsor, each side resolved to push its own interpretation to the bitter end.

"I am praising the gods for allowing me to die at ease as to my country. These heterogeneous masses can never be dangerous to Greece. Ho, physician, when am I likely to die?" The Milesian physician, who had accompanied the Greek troops to Egypt, pointed to the arrow-head sticking fast in his breast, and said with a sad smile, "You have only a few hours more to live.

Outraged in their dearest civil and religious rights, thousands of the Scoto-Irish of Ulster, and the Milesian and Anglo-Irish of the other provinces, preferred to encounter the perils of an Atlantic flitting rather than abide under the yoke and lash of such an oligarchy.

The Guardian-Mother did not come into the bay, and I was afraid you had all gone to the bottom in the gale." "Don't you call me 'grandma' again, Felix," protested the worthy woman quite warmly; for the Milesian had twice applied the opprobrious appellation to her. "If you ever do it again, I will never hug you another time!" "Then I will call you so till my dying day!"

"It will, I am convinced," replied the gentleman, eyeing the herculean frame of the strange teacher and the substantial cudgel in Mat's hand; "it will, undoubtedly. But who is this most miserable naked lad here, Mr. Kevanagh?" "Why, sir," replied Mat, with his broad Milesian face, expanded by a forthcoming joke, "he is, sir, in a sartin and especial particularity, a namesake of your own."

"Heave the lead on the port hand, Flix," added the captain very quietly; and he seemed to be still in a brown study. "Mark under water two," reported the Milesian. "Give the depth in feet now." "Thirteen feet, short." "Keep the lead going." For about a quarter of a mile farther Scott kept the Maud moving in the same direction, with no change in the reports of the soundings.

"West-sou'-west, sorr," came the answer, ere the questioner could set foot on the deck, in accents short, sharp, prompt, and decisive, albeit with a strong Milesian flavour, from the chief mate.

"But I am in earnest," persisted the Milesian. "I have seen plenty of them in Bombay; and upon my word and honor, I don't feel at all afraid of them. One of them might hit me when I was not looking, for they don't play fair; but I shall be on the watch for them, and I'll take my chance." "But, Sir Modava, do you really dare to go out where there are cobras?" asked Mrs.

He produced three of them The Fatal Vengeance: or, The Family of Montorio, The Wild Irish Boy, and the Milesian Chief under a pseudonym before he was thirty; while after the success of Bertram he avowed Women , Melmoth the Wanderer , and The Albigenses , the last in a sort of cross style between his earlier patterns and Scott.

"And that you shall have!" cried Phanes, grasping the old man's hand. "You shall have the command of the heavy-armed Milesian troops, and liberty to commit what carnage you like among the ranks of our enemies. This, however, is only paying half the debt I owe you. Praised be the gods, who have put it in my power to make you happy by one single sentence.