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He was astonish'd at the Account I gave him of the Cacklogallinians, and said, if my Account was not back'd with ocular Demonstration, he should take their Story for the Ravings of a distemper'd Brain. We were indeed very sleepy, and I was heartily glad of the Proposal, as were also the Cacklogallinians, when I mention'd it to them.

At 1 p.m. hauled close round the South-West end of the Island, on which stands the Village before mention'd, the inhabitants of which were all in Arms.

The Hermaphrodites of Licetus, which conceiv'd and brought forth Children, were real Women taken for Men, by reason of the length and bigness of their Clitoris: And the Fisherman's Wife, mention'd by Antonius de Palma, was only a Male, call'd the third sort of Hermaphrodites undiscover'd, which was afterwards manifested in the coming out of the Parts of a Man, when she had been fourteen Years married.

"I maum hae langer to think o't," said Sam'l. "Bell's mairitch is the morn," said Sanders decisively. Sam'l glanced up with a wild look in his eyes. "Sanders!" he cried. "Sam'l!" "Ye hae been a guid friend to me, Sanders, in this sair affliction." "Nothing ava," said Sanders; "dount mention'd."

At day light the point above mention'd bore North, distant 3 Leagues, and we found that the land trended away from it South-West by West, as far as we could see. It requires no discription to know it by, the Latitude and the Angle made here by the Coast will be found quite sufficient; however, there is a remarkable saddle hill laying near the Shore, 3 or 4 Leagues South-West of the Cape.

They are farther of opinion that somewhat of his good sense will suffer in this transfusion, and much of the beauty of his thoughts will infallibly be lost, which appear with more grace in their old habit. Of this opinion was that excellent person whom I mention'd, the late Earl of Leicester, who valued Chaucer as much as Mr. Cowley despis'd him.

But this onely, en passant; for the Chief thing I had to add was this, That by the same way may be examin'd and discover'd, divers changes that are produc'd in Bodies either by Nature only, or by Art; either of them being able by changing the Texture of some Concretes I could name, to qualifie them to Operate after a New manner upon the above mention'd Syrrup, or Solution, or both.

Thirdly, And the better to shew that White Bodies reflect store of Light, in comparson of those that are otherwise Colour'd, I did in the Darkn'd Room, formerly mention'd, hold not far from the Hole, at which the Light was admitted, a Sheet only of White Paper, from whence casting the Sun-beams upon a White Wall, whereunto it was Obverted, it manifestly appear'd both to Me, and to the Person I took for a Witness of the Experiment, that it Reflected a far greater Light, than any of the other Colours formerly mention'd, the Light so thrown upon one Wall notably Enlightning it, and by it a good part of the Room.

If this be the Case in the Main, as it plainly appears from the Account above mention'd, and might further be shewn by a very great addition of proof; then whether all this can be found at any one time, or whether some Days may not possibly be pretty clear of it all but what is brought thither, is not very material, more than to determin, what particular Plays should always be chosen by those that will go to Any.

At what time, raising myself on the bed, in this or like manner, I reproacht the sullen impotent: With what face can you look up, thou shame of heaven and man? that can'st not be seriously mention'd. Have I deserv'd from you, when rais'd within sight of heavens of joys, to be struck down to the lowest hell?