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Updated: November 12, 2024
The fresh root, wounded early in the spring, yields and odorous yellow juice, which slowly exsiccated proves an elegant gummy resin, very rich in the virtues of the Angelica. On drying the root, this juice concretes into distinct moleculae, which, on cutting it longitudinally, appear distributed in little veins: in this state they are extracted by pure spirit, but not by watery liquors.
Studiously he avoided the word 'ideal'; from such vaporous illusions he had turned to the world's actualities; his language dealt with concretes, with homely satisfactions, with prospects near enough to be soberly examined. A hurry to catch the train facilitated parting. Godwin promised to write in a few days. He took a roundabout way back to his lodgings.
Thus the concrete like has its abstract likeness; the concretes, father and son, have, or might have, the abstracts, paternity, and filiety, or filiation. The concrete name connotes an attribute, and the abstract name which answers to it denotes that attribute. But of what nature is the attribute? Wherein consists the peculiarity in the connotation of a relative name?
And to shew you, Pyrophilus, that these Effects do not flow from the Oyl of Vitriol, as it is such, but as it is a strongly Acid Menstruum, that has the property both to Præcipitate Lead, as well as some other Concretes out of Spirit of Vinegar, and to heighten the Colour of Red Rose-leaves, I add, that I have done the same thing, though perhaps not quite so well with Spirit of Salt, and that I could not do it with Aqua-fortis, because though that potent Menstruum does as well as the others heighthen the Redness of Roses, yet it would not like them Precipitate Lead out of Spirit of Vinegar, but would rather have dissolv'd it, if it had not found it dissolv'd already.
Fourthly, I found this Diamond hard enough, not only to enable me to write readily with it upon Glass, but to Grave on Rock Crystal it self. Fifthly, I found this to have like other Diamonds, an Electrical faculty. V. For it drew light Bodies like Amber, Jet, and other Concretes that are noted to do so; But its attractive power seem'd inferiour to theirs.
The inevitable tendency of poetic culture to morbidity, abnormal beauty the sickliness of all technical thought or refinement in itself the abnegation of the perennial and democratic concretes at first hand, the body, the earth and sea, sex and the like and the substitution of something for them at second or third hand what bearings have they on current pathological study? Feb. 11, '80.
Spiritous liquors extract its virtues in greater perfection than watery ones: the former scarce elevate any thing in distillation: with the latter, an essential oil arises, which concretes into white flakes; this possesses at first the flavour of the elecampane, but is very apt to lose it in keeping. JUNIPERUS Sabina. SAVINE. The Tops.
This root has been employed as a stomachic, and for strengthening the tone of the viscera in general: it is still in some esteem in foreign countries, though not taken notice of among us. It yields, on distillation, an elegant odoriferous essential oil, which concretes into a flaky form. Lewis's Mat. Med. Similar Plants. Geum rivale; G. intermedium. GLYCYRRHIZA glabra. LIQUORICE. Root.
The mind, in order to account for phenomena, works with atoms, which it does not and can never see, as with the ME, which it does not perceive: it applies its categories to everything; that is, it distinguishes, individualizes, concretes, numbers, compares, things which, material or immaterial, are thoroughly identical and indistinguishable.
I believe that this vulgar fallacy of opposing abstractions to the concretes from which they are abstracted, is the main reason why my account of knowing is deemed so unsatisfactory, and I will therefore say a word more on that general point.
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