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Honest, I was more leery on that point than about anything else; for you know how giddy they doll up at them joints, and while her taste in stained glass windows might be strictly up to date, when it comes to flossin' up for the Maison Maxixe well, no gray-and-white, back-number regalia would do there. If we wa'n't shut out, we'd be guyed to death.

And, sure enough, by holdin' the pad under the big electrolier in the lib'ry, we could trace out the address. "Huh!" says I. "The Maison Maxixe, one of them new trot palaces! Ring up a taxi, Jarvis." Didn't happen to be up around there yourself that night, did you?

"It's the pleasantest way to address you until I know your name." "You might call me madame!" "Perish the thought! I refuse to imagine you married." "I might be a widow." "No." "Or even a divorcée." "And you might be a grandmother," he added. "Yes." "And doing the Maxixe at the Willard, this minute." "Yes!" she laughed. "But you aren't; and no more are you a widow or a divorcée."

Besides, they don't let you in there unless you're in full evenin'. Course, there's other joints where " "No," says she. "Let it be the Maison Maxixe, if that is the worst. And for once too I may as well submit myself to the horrors of the new fashions. I will order a costume to-day, and I can be ready for my plunge into Gotham vanities by let me see we will say Saturday night.

"Vive la Republique!" "The Stars and Stripes!" as the glasses were emptied by the consuls and their wives and host. Lovaina had taken up the rug in the parlor, and a graphophone ground out the music for dancing. Ragtime records brought out the Otoman, a San Franciscan, bald and coatless. He took the floor with Mathilde, a chic, petite, and graceful half-caste, and they danced the maxixe.

When she had pinned it on she bent mockingly over her sister, who sat on the bed. "How d'you like my new toque? Peekaboo! That's the way the guys rubberneck to see if you're good lookin'." Lise was exalted, feverish, apparently possessed by some high secret; her eyes shone, and when she crossed the room she whistled bars of ragtime and executed mincing steps of the maxixe.

After that me and one of the boys is goin' to tear off a little Maxixe stuff that'll be as good as a cabaret act, and about ten-thirt we'll tease Deary into openin' a couple of quarts in the café. So long! Don't forget, now!" And off she floats, noddin' cheerful right and left, and bein' escorted to her table by both head waiters. I couldn't stave off meetin' Sadie's glance any longer.

And there's Pimple Face doin' a back flip that ain't in his repertoire at all. Course that spilled the beans. There was squeals, and shrieks, and a gen'ral mixup; some tryin' to get closer, others beatin' it to get away, and all the makin's of a young riot. But the management at the Maison Maxixe don't stand for any rough stuff.

There wait the automobiles to carry the pleasure bent to Kelly's grove at Fa'a, where the maxixe and the tango rage, the hula-dancers quiver and quaver, and wassail has no bounds. When the whites are at dinner, the natives meet in the market-place, which is the agora, as the place du gouvernment is the forum of the dance and music of these ocean Greeks.

She gave him an amused look, and they passed down the corridor and up the marble steps to the elevator. They were dancing the Maxixe when they entered. "Do you mind if we don't do it on the heels?" said she. "I think it's prettier the other way." "So do I," said he, and they drifted down the room.