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How or where he had recovered were things that at the moment did not exercise my mind nor have I since been at any pains to unravel the mystery of it; but there he was, and for the moment that fact was all-sufficing. What complications would come of his presence Heaven alone could foretell. "Put an end to this play-acting!" roared the savage Marsac. "It will avail you nothing.

"I took it upon myself to-day to mention the fact that you are alive and well to one who had a right, I thought, to know of it, and who is coming hither tomorrow." "That was a presumption you may regret," said I between my teeth. "To whom do you impart this information?" "To your friend, Monsieur de Marsac," he answered, and through his mask of humility the sneer was again growing apparent.

Madame De Ber and her coterie, for already there were little cliques in Detroit, shrugged their shoulders and raised their eyebrows when Jeanne Angelot was mentioned. She was such a coquette! And though she flouted Louis Marsac to his face, when he had really taken her at her word and gone, she might have repented and run after him.

'M. de Marsac, he said, whining like a cur, 'you know me, to be a man of courage. I needed nothing after this to assure me that he meditated something of the basest; and I took care how I answered him. 'I have known you stiff enough upon occasions, I replied drily. 'And then, again, I have known you not so stiff, M. Fresnoy. 'Only when you were in question, he muttered with another oath.

Kolb and David reached Marsac at eight o'clock, and suddenly came in upon the old man as he was finishing his dinner, which, by force of circumstances, came very near bedtime. "I see you because there is no help for it," said old Sechard with a sour smile. "Und how should you and mein master meet? He soars in der shkies, and you are always mit your vines!

'But when I first saw you I was almost afraid that something had happened to you. And I have been uneasy lately, she went on, releasing my hand, and beginning to play with the coverlet, as though the remembrance troubled her. 'There was a man here a while ago a friend of Simon Fleix there who had been south to Pau and Nerac, and he said there was no M. de Marsac about the Court.

'M. de Marsac, he announced in a sing-song tone to those behind him, 'to see the King of Navarre by appointment at noon. And with a second bow while I grew scarlet with mortification he too wheeled gravely round and returned to the fireplace. I saw another preparing to advance, but he came too late.

Much of this, which all the world now knows, I learned afterwards. At the moment I could think of little save the king's kindness; to which he added by insisting that I should sit on the bed while we talked. 'You wonder, M. de Marsac, he said, 'what brings me here, and why I have come to you instead of sending for you?

Surely you might at least relieve the anxieties the affliction, I might almost say of those who are mourning you." "Ah!" said I. "And who may these be?" He shrugged his shoulders and pursed his lips in a curiously deprecatory smile. With a sidelong glance at Mademoiselle "Do you need that I name Mademoiselle de Marsac?" he sneered.

"I made the conductor talk, finding he was a native of Angouleme. He tells me that Madame Sechard lives at Marsac, and Marsac is but a league away from Mansle. I thought we should be at greater advantage here than at Angouleme for verifying the facts." "And besides," thought Derville, "as Monsieur le Duc said, I act merely as the witness to the inquiries made by this confidential agent "