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Updated: August 25, 2024

Carlyle, of West Lynne," groaned the earl, whose foot just then had an awful twinge, "what does he want? Show him up." The servant did as he was bid, and introduced Mr. Carlyle. Look at the visitor well, reader, for he will play his part in this history. He was a very tall man of seven and twenty, of remarkably noble presence.

'Skinny, scrawny Tabby Catt' that's what they call me, Tom. My name might as well have been 'Lynne." "Never mind, Puss. When we get moved to Silver Bow, people won't know about that rhyme." "Maybe they will think up something worse yet.

"I have some money yet. When " "His money?" sharply and haughtily interposed the earl. "No," she indignantly replied. "I am selling my trinkets. Before they are all gone, I shall look out to get a living in some way; by teaching, probably." "Trinkets!" repeated Lord Mount Severn. "Mr. Carlyle told me that you carried nothing away with you from East Lynne." "Nothing that he had given me.

Could she have given herself leisure to reflect on the matter, she might have told, by the signs observable in the short period she had been in the house, that governesses of East Lynne were regarded as gentlewomen treated well and liberally. Yes; for East Lynne owned Mr. Carlyle for its master.

East Lynne had changed owners, and now it was the property of Mr. Carlyle. He had bought it as it stood, furniture and all; but the transfer had been conducted with secrecy, and was suspected by none, save those engaged in the negotiations.

She wheeled toward him, shook her tightly clenched fist, and with blazing eyes continued, "and not Theodora Marcella Gabrielle Julianna Victoria Emeline; and my brother's name is Thomas Catt and not Dionysius Ulysses Humphrey Llewelyn. My father's name is Lynne Maximilian Catt, but you can call him 'lean Manx Catt; he doesn't like it, but it ain't any worse than ours. I have an Aunt Maria."

"He caught sight of this bonnet yesterday; and when, by way of excuse, I said I had it to call on them, he asked whether I thought the obscure West Lynne families would venture to thrust their calls on Lord Mount Severn, as though they were of the county aristocracy. It was the feather that put him out." "It is a very long one," remarked Miss Carlyle, grimly surveying it.

Who sent it? When did it go?" "All I know is, that's its gone. Mr. Wainwright went to your master, and he came out of his room and sent John galloping to the telegraph office at West Lynne; where could your ears have been, not to hear the horse tearing off? I heard it, I know that, and a nice fright it put me in. I went to Mr.

"He saw the earl frequently, when he was in town in the spring, and Lady Isabel once or twice. What a lovely face hers is!" Barbara made no reply. She returned home with Miss Carlyle, but her manner was as absent as her heart, and that had run away to East Lynne. Before Lord Mount Severn had completed the fortnight of his proposed stay, the gout came on seriously.

That if ever that Thorn did come to West Lynne again, I would leave no stone unturned to bring it home to him. He is here, Archibald. Now, when I went to the gate to speak to Tom Herbert, his brother, Major Herbert, was also there, and with him Captain Thorn. Bethel, also. Do you wonder I say that I know not whether I am awake or dreaming? They have some weeks' holiday, and are here to spend it."

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