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Lize went on: "I thought I'd got rid of her. She's been away now for about ten years. I don't know but it was a mistake look's like she's grown a little too fine-haired for us doughies out here." "So much the worse for us," replied Redfield.

I never saw Ling Look's work, but I know that some of the sword swallowers have made use of a sheath which was swallowed before the performance, and the swords were simply pushed into it. A sheath of this kind lined with asbestos might easily have served as a protection against the red-hot blade.

Rough play may have been in the mind of the card-playing, spirit-drinking scoundrels that occupied the other seats in the compartment, but Vivie in her man's dress created a certain amount of suspicion and caution. "Look's like a 'tec," one man whispered to another.

"Hoo-a-long, hoo-a-long, walla-ha?" he remarked, or words to that effect. "Squall-a-doo, soo-a-lone, bolla-hang," returned one of the men, suddenly wound up to gesticulate with violence. "He says that the hotel is about half an hour's walk from here," Joseph explained to me, looking wistful. And my own feelings gave me the clue to that look's significance. "Thank goodness!" I exclaimed heartily.

Takes practice to keep your eyesight so's you can see round a curve like that," he added, winking at Ellery. "She's a brigantine, Zeb," observed the keeper, handing up the spyglass. "And flyin' the British colors. Look's if she might be one of them salt boats from Turk's Islands.

I know Cousin Merry will appreciate that." With a last assurance of his intention to help them, Mr. McKeever left. Boyd grinned. "He did help me," he observed. "He knows now I'm with Morgan, and nobody can say that's not so!" Kirby laughed. "Reckon that's true, kid. You locked yourself right into the corral along with the rest of us bad men. Look's like you've been outfought this time, Rennie."

And behind Hecla marched, seventy-five strong, the Ancients of Smyrna, augmented, by Hiram Look's enterprise, until they comprised nearly every able-bodied man in the old town. To beat and pulse of riotous drums and shrilling fifes they were roaring choruses.

To her it was a common incident of everyday life. Such accidents will happen, if you break taboo and go too near forbidden temples. But Muriel drew back, and let the pleasant-looking brown girl's hand drop suddenly. "You can't mean it," she cried. "You can't mean he's a god! Such a wicked man as that! Oh, his very look's too horrible."

That removes suspicion, and teases at the same time." "Will he go?" asked Cap'n Sproul, anxiously. "He will," declared Hiram, with conviction. "A free trip combined with a chance of perhaps doin' over again such an easy thing as you seem to be won't ever be turned down by Colonel Gideon Ward." At nine o'clock that evening Cap'n Sproul knocked at Hiram Look's front door and stumped in eagerly.

Nothin' but flies, I guess likely! ... Mis' Pennell's got a new girl to help round the house, one o' them pindlin' light-complected Smith girls, from the Swamp, look's if they was nussed on bonny-clabber. She's so hombly I sh'd think 't would make her back ache to carry her head round. She ain't very smart, neither. Her mother sent word she'd pick up 'n' do better when she got her growth.