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"Why, you " Grundy began, but Wilcox cut off his run. It was a shame. I still felt like pushing the man's Adam's apple through his medulla oblongata. "Lock them both up, until Dr. Lomax comes to," Muller ordered. "And send Dr. Napier to take care of him. I'm not jumping to any conclusions." But the look he was giving Lomax indicated that he'd already pretty well made up his mind.

"But she's sure to come some time," said Mercer. "She won't let old Reb starve us. Hi! look there. Old Lomax. There he goes." Sure enough, the old sergeant marched down the road, and we watched till he was out of sight, but he did not see us. "I wonder what he thought when we did not go for our lesson this morning," I said. "Oh, he had heard of it, safe," cried Mercer.

You can laugh after. Now then, put them on." We readily obeyed, and as each glove was put on, Lomax tied them securely in their places by the stout strings at the wrists, and once more our comical aspect was too much for us, and we laughed more uproariously than before. "'Tention, I say, boys. Silence!

Mat King, the assistant chief, kicked off his slippers, and swiftly laced up his shoes, grabbed his speaking-trumpet and his helmet, and tore out of the house. If he could only get to the engine-house before Charley Lomax, the chief! But Charley was the lone customer in the barber's char. With the lather on one side of his face, he clapped on his hat and broke for the firebell, four doors below.

The man touched his hat and went off, leaving Lomax and me with the horse, which looked enormous then. Lomax strode round the animal, examining it, and making remarks as he went on. "Very well groomed," he said. "Saw your old friend Magglin before breakfast. Good legs. Like to get taken on again, he says. Tail wants topping too long. Lucky for him he didn't get before the magistrates.

And this is why I look upon the mixed school as a right step in the right direction." "Taking this view of the matter I see the pertinence of your position on this subject. Do you know," continued Mr. Lomax, his face lighting up with a fine enthusiasm, "that I am full of hope for the future of our people?" "That's more than I am," said Mrs. Larkins very coldly.

At daylight of the 19th these positions of the Confederate infantry still obtained, with the cavalry of Lomax, Jackson, and Johnson on the right of Ramseur, while to the left and rear of the enemy's general line was Fitzhugh Lee, covering from Stephenson's depot west across the Valley pike to Applepie Ridge. My army moved at 3 o'clock that morning.

But we did it, and though he looked very serious, and pointed out our wrong-doing strongly, he forgave us, and became deeply interested in the affair, making us relate all we had seen. "I heard of the encounter as soon as I came down," he said. "Lomax ought to have sent you both back to your room. So it was that labourer. Poor fellow!

The low widespreading room was well filled, mostly with clerks and shopmen; the gas was lit because of the darkness outside, and showed off the gay panels on the walls filled with fruit and flower subjects, for which Adrian O'Connor Lomax, commonly called 'Daddy, the owner of the restaurant, had given a commission to some students at the Mechanics' Institute, and whereof he was inordinately proud.

I wanted to hear something about your own affairs, which don't seem to be flourishing. But I'll wait till Miss Dora's at home. 'Sit down, sit down again! cried Lomax angrily, catching him by the arm. 'I'll not meddle with you. Yes, we're in a bad way, a deuced bad way, if you listen to Dora. If it weren't for her I'd have walked myself off long ago and let the devil take the creditors.