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Updated: August 8, 2024

Your ears is altogether too long like that young Lollypop hoss o' mine." They swung away off the crest of the Downs and began to drop down the slope into the village of Cuckmere lying beneath them in the valley among trees. The sun dipped into the sea as they turned with a noise of grinding wheels into the village street.

"I guess there ain't," agreed Mr. Sorber. "And does he ever tell you how he was took into the Lions' Den, like a little Dan'l, when he was two, with spangled pants on him and a sugar lollypop to keep him quiet?" "Mercy!" gasped Agnes. "In a lions' den?" repeated Tess, while Dot's pretty eyes grew so round they looked like gooseberries. "Yes, Ma'am! I done it. And it made a hit.

Don't you know me?" "Ha! Why, of course, I know you!" cried Uncle Wiggily, in his jolly voice, as he put some lollypop oil on the doodle-oodleum of his auto. "But, why are you crying?" "Because I'm going to be late at school again," said the boy. "You see of late I have been late a good many mornings, but this morning I got up early, and was sure I would get there before noon."

And it was a good thing they did, for just then the bear gave a growl, like a lollypop when it falls off the stick, and the bear said: "Ah, ha! And oh, ho! A rabbit and a squirrel! Fine for me! Tag your it!" he cried, and he made a jump for Uncle Wiggily and Johnnie. But do you s'pose the bunny uncle and the squirrel boy stayed there to be caught? Indeed, they did not! "Over this way!

"I think I'll buy a sour-milk one," said his brother, for you know little pigs, and big ones, too, like sour milk as much as you like yours sweet. Isn't that funny? So they walked on together, talking of different things, and pretty soon they came to a place where there were two stores. One was painted red and the other was painted blue. "I'm going in the red store for my lollypop," said Curly.

Himself incorruptible, he was no doubt well pleased at heart that Banjo's misconduct should throw up in high relief his own immaculate conduct. Lollypop was in fact a bit of a prig. Had he been a boy he would have been head of his school, a Scholar of Balliol, and President of the Union at his University.

To jump, and to pretend you liked it, was the generous and the politic thing to do. Moreover, it was all in the direction of home and bran-mash; while there was Banjo golly-woshing through the mud close behind him. And Lollypop not only had to live up to his reputation and set his elder an example, which he loved to do, but he also wished to show the gray what he could do himself when he tried.

I hope you children have as nice a one and that none of you get burned or hurt when you celebrate Independence Day. And, if none of you do, why, in the next story I'll tell you about Buddy Pigg trying to buy a tail for himself, because he didn't have any. That is, I will if the lollypop doesn't fall down stairs and break his stick.

"It's your goat, Nicknack, who's buried under the sand. But his nose is sticking out so he won't smother, and I'll soon have him all the way out." "But where is Trouble?" cried Baby William's mother. "There he is, safe and sound, tied to a tree so he can't get in the way of the dirt I'm shoveling out. I didn't want to throw sand in his eyes!" cried the lollypop man. "Trouble is all right!"

"How are you, Bub?" he asked. "You haven't any name yet, have you?" "No sir," answered the brother of Curly. "I wish I had, though," and he also wished that Grandpa Squealer would find a penny so that he and his brother could buy a lollypop, and that wish came true, if you will kindly believe me. For the old gentleman pig did find two pennies.

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