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I ha'e seen him whiles sair concernt for ither fowk." "'At they wouldna hand wi' him, and war condemnt in consequence wasna that it?" "I canna answer ye that, bairn." "Weel, I ken he doesna like you no ae wee bit. He's aye girdin at ye to ither fowk!" "May be: the mair's the need I sud lo'e him." "But noo can ye, father?"

Gien I thoucht which the God o' my life forbid! that Maggie didna lo'e him as weel at least as I lo'e him, I would gang upo' my auld knees til her, to entreat her to loe him wi' a' her heart and sowl and stren'th and min'; and whan I had done that, she micht merry wha she wad hangman or minister: no a word would I say!

Once they lived in a very dark and dirty and crowded tenement, quite as bad as some that were torn down in the Cowgate and the Grassmarket." "It mak's ye fecht ane anither," said one laddie, soberly. "Gin they had a sonsie doggie like Bobby to lo'e, an' an auld kirkyaird wi' posies an' birdies to leuk into, they wadna fecht sae muckle." "I'm very sure of that.

"Weel, daddy, gien ye cud lo'e me sae weel, kennin' me nae bluid's bluid o' yer ain I canna help it: I maun lo'e ye mair nor ever, noo' at I ken 't tu. Daddy, daddy, I had nae claim upo' ye, an' ye hae been father an' gran'father an' a' to me!" "What could she do, Malcolm, my poy? Ta chilt had no one, and she had no one, and so it wass. You must pe her own poy after all!

Think o' him! I hae thocht o' nocht else. Think of him! Since when is thinkin' a crime? A lass maun juist do the best she can for hersel', be she cotman's dochter or laird's. Love's a' yae thing kitchen or byre, but or ben. See a lad, lo'e a lad, get a lad, keep a lad! Ralph Peden will kiss me afore the year's oot," she said with determination.

For he was to him the embodiment of all that was reverend and worthy, a very gulf of wisdom, a mountain of rectitude. Gibbie was one of those few elect natures to whom obedience is a delight a creature so different from the vulgar that they have but one tentacle they can reach such with that of contempt. "I jist lo'e the bairn as the verra aipple o' my ee." said Robert.

"In many of the windows there is a box of flowers, or of kitchen herbs to make the broth savory." "It wasna so i' the auld days. It was aye washin's clappin' aboon the stanes. Noo, mony o' the mithers hang the claes oot at nicht. Ilka thing is changed sin' I was a wean an' leevin' i' the auld Guildhall, the bairnies haen Bobby to lo'e, an' no' to be neglectet."