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Updated: July 31, 2024

Mas'r Haley won't want us no longer. Missis wouldn't hear of our ridin' the critters over Lizy's bridge tonight;" and, with a facetious poke into Andy's ribs, he started off, followed by the latter, at full speed, their shouts of laughter coming faintly on the wind. Eliza's Escape Eliza made her desperate retreat across the river just in the dusk of twilight.

So it's nateral fur Miss Prue. Now, Sairay, I'm goin' over to my cousin Lizy's a while, an' if baby why, he's gone to sleep, ain't he?" Sara nodded smilingly, and her mollified mother said, more gently, "Wall, my dear, lay him in the cradle, an' then you kin hev a good time a-readin' while I'm gone. I s'pose you kain't help takin' to books arter all, seein' as your ma was a school-ma'am."

"I berry much 'spect missis be anxious. Missis wouldn't hear of our ridin' the critters over Lizy's bridge to-night;" and he started off, followed by Andy, at full speed, their shouts of laughter coming faintly on the wind. Having gone this length, we may as well conclude the episode of Eliza.

"Why, you don't know, I s'pose, that Lizy's cut stick, and clared out, with her young un?" "You teach your granny!" said Sam, with infinite contempt; "knowed it a heap sight sooner than you did; this nigger an't so green, now!" "Well, anyhow, Mas'r wants Bill and Jerry geared right up; and you and I 's to go with Mas'r Haley, to look arter her." "Good, now! dat's de time o' day!" said Sam.

I shall wish them to return, be it only that I may have the more to say to you, and the better security for my letters being well accepted. I hope that George was amused at the York races. I have seen this morning in Lizy's letter that he was there. Vixen is sitting for his picture, and this is all the news of Isleworth. My love to them all, you know whom I mean.

"Oh, I don't know; Helen 'Lizy's ma was a hansome girl; Sis here had ought to be satisfied if she wears a half as well." "Come again thoon to thing to Joy," lisped the baby; "Joy loveth you tho muth." Helen buried her face in the yellow curls, and when she turned away her eyes were wet. I stayed at the studio only long enough to beg Kitty to see that her charge rests.

As a body may say, in the land o' Canaan." "Why, Sam, what do you mean?" said Mrs. Shelby, breathless, and almost faint, as the possible meaning of these words came over her. "Wal, Missis, de Lord he persarves his own. Lizy's done gone over the river into 'Hio, as 'markably as if de Lord took her over in a charrit of fire and two hosses."

"So she would," said Andy; "but can't ye see through a ladder, ye black nigger? Missis don't want dis yer Mas'r Haley to get Lizy's boy; dat's de go!" "High!" said Sam, with an indescribable intonation, known only to those who have heard it among the negroes.

Lizy's drawers is all open, and her things all lying every which way; and I believe she's just done clared out!" The truth flashed upon Mr. Shelby and his wife at the same moment. He exclaimed, "Then she suspected it, and she's off!" "The Lord be thanked!" said Mrs. Shelby. "I trust she is." "Wife, you talk like a fool! Really, it will be something pretty awkward for me, if she is.

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