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His skin measured ten feet four inches and a half, and he was ten years of age; for he had ten lobes to his liver, and it is by the appearance of the tiger's liver that the natives ascertain the age. I have quoted the above anecdote, not to prove the truth of the circumstance as regards the tiger's liver, but as a tradition among the inhabitants.

Conversely, "I ain't much of a fool about liver" is rather more than a hint of distaste. "I et me a bait" literally means a mere snack, but jocosely it may admit a hearty meal. If the provender be scant the hostess may say, "That's right at a smidgen," meaning little more than a mite; but if plenteous, then there are rimptions.

Agreeing each to sleep with a light in his room, they separated, and at about two o'clock Curtis, who had been suffering of late from his liver the effect, so the doctor told him, of living a little too well and could not sleep, heard a knock at his door. To his astonishment it was Kelson Kelson, in his pyjamas. "Hulloa!" Curtis exclaimed. "What on earth brings you here, and however did you come?"

"There," says he, as another girl yelled "Cash," "there's another of 'em wants me," and he was going to where she was, when the floor walker asked him if his name was Cash. "You bet your liver it is," said Cash. It was then explained to him that the girls were calling cash boys. He thought it over a minute and said, "Sold, by the great baldheaded Elijah. Won't you go down and take something?

"The President still improving, but great dangers are yet to come, and nothing has been found of the ball, which is supposed to have stayed in the liver because, were it anywhere else, symptoms of irritation by its presence would have been shown." "July 9. This is Saturday evening.

Kronborg's land in Nebraska increased in value and brought her in a good rental. The family drifted into an easier way of living, half without realizing it, as families will. Then Mr. Kronborg, who had never been ill, died suddenly of cancer of the liver, and after his death Mrs. Kronborg went, as her neighbors said, into a decline.

"I was too disgusted to speak, but my disgust turned to anger when I perceived that, as far as the eye could reach, our boilers, lying from three to four hundred feet apart, were ablaze with yellow-and-red posters extolling the 'Eureka Liver Pill Company. "'It don't cost 'em nothin', said Frisby, cheerfully; 'I done it fur the fun of it. Purty, ain't it?

Burrows, having been sworn, began, with sarcastic emphasis, to describe the condition of the lungs and liver, until he was interrupted by the coroner. "Is all this necessary?" the latter inquired. "I mean, is it material to the subject of the inquiry?" "I should say not," replied Dr. Burrows. "It appears to me to be quite irrelevant, but Dr.

COLOUR Rich golden liver; this is a certain sign of the purity of the breed, dark liver or puce denoting unmistakably a recent cross with the black or other variety of Field Spaniel. GENERAL APPEARANCE Rather massive and muscular, but with free movements and nice tail action denoting a tractable and cheerful disposition. Weight from 35 lb. to 45 lb.

Now you have learnt the genealogy of the bile, and the double office of the liver, which benefits the blood by what it takes from it, benefits the chyme by what it gives it, and is an economist at the same time since it only gives back what it has received. This was what I particularly wished to explain to you: the rest you will easily learn.