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She had been willing indeed, under the circumstances, only too glad to send sulky Leucha to The Garden; but Leucha's unexpected return on the evening when the animal charade was to be acted put her out considerably. She saw at a glance that Leucha was unrepentant; that whereas Hollyhock was more than ready to forgive, Leucha belonged to the unforgiving of the earth.

The lion made a valiant attempt, growling savagely as he did so, to demolish the cat; but the agile cat leaped on his back, stuck her claws, which were really crooked pins, into his hide, and sent the king of beasts howling to a distant part of the stage. She then proceeded to torment the mongrel dog, and to draw out, as she well knew how, Leucha's peculiarities in the dog.

I would have been different, but your haughty spirit forbade it; so now I 'm your chosen enemy, and you 'll have to fight me along with those in the school who like me better than you. But Leucha's fury had risen to its height. She dashed up to Hollyhock and gave her a resounding smack on her right cheek.

Now, both girls, take your punishments like gentlewomen and don't make a fuss. Good-night, good-night! I 'll send Miss Kent to put a lotion on your cheek, Hollyhock, and to bind up your hand, Leucha. Good-night! After prayers to-morrow the story of the cat will be told, with, alas! Leucha's sad lack of forgiveness.

The five girls talked a while of the coming prizes. Leucha was now under the charge of Jasper, and they got on tolerably well, for Jasper would do anything in the world for Hollyhock, and as Hollyhock was the only love of Leucha's life, she talked on no other subject whatsoever to the lad.

Hollyhock looked annoyed for a moment, but then the irrepressible fun in her nature sparkled in her bold, black eyes. She sat in such a position that the pale-eyed Leucha was resting against her shoulder. Her soft hands were gently soothing Leucha's long, thin hair, and she kept on saying, 'Whist, lassie; whist!

'Yes, I expect that's about all, said Jasmine, but she spoke with a certain uneasiness, which was not, however, apparent in her voice. By-and-by the girls followed Hollyhock to their rooms. It has been said already that Hollyhock's room and Leucha's were side by side. Hollyhock went up to bed on this special night before nine o'clock. She guessed well that Leucha would be in her room.

Many of the said girls assured poor Hollyhock that they were glad that the nasty kissing English girl was no longer to divide them from their lively favourite. But Hollyhock's most loving heart was really full of Leucha. Her nature could not by any possibility really suit Leucha's, but Holly had taken her up, and it would be very hard now for her to withdraw her love.

Instantly she returned to Leucha's room, took off the injured white covering, shoved it into the soiled clothes-basket, turned down the sheets, made the room look perfectly nice and tidy, removed the saucer, which she carried into her own room and hid, also under the bed. She then sat and waited for events. They were not long in coming. Leucha's anger was something prodigious.

'He was a braw gallant, And he played at the gluve; And the bonnie Earl o' Murray, Oh, he was the Queen's luve! 'Oh, lang will his lady Look owre the Castle downe, Ere she see the Earl o' Murray Come sounding thro' the town! Leucha's eyes half closed, half opened, and she was soothed inexpressibly by the lovely voice.