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Updated: August 2, 2024

S.M. "del Presepio," Our Lady of the Cradle; generally a Nativity, or when she is adoring her Child. S.M. "della Scodella" with the cup or porringer, where she is taking water from a fountain; generally a Riposo. S.M. "della Cintola," Our Lady of the Girdle, where she is either giving the Girdle to St. Thomas, or where the Child holds it in his hand. S.M. "della Lettera." Our Lady of the Letter.

Caro G. N. Dorcola ho ricevuto la sua cara lettera e son cozi contento da sentire le sue notizzie io non posso venire perche mia madre e amalata e mia sorella Enrica era tardato ascirvere perche mi credevo che tesano mellio ma invece sono sempre auguale perche volevo venire ci mando dici mille baci e una setta dimano addio al Signior D. Dor.

This is the title given to Our Lady as protectress of the city of Messina. According to the Sicilian legend, she honoured the people of Messina by writing a letter to them, dated from Jerusalem, "in the year of her Son, 42." In the effigies of the "Madonna della Lettera," she holds this letter in her hand. S.M. "della Rosa." Our Lady of the Rose.

So suddenly, so prematurely, and surrounded by hopes so bright! he died-'as the poppy fadeth." In the record of Sanuto, who is witness for these events, there is a "Lettera di Hieronymo Bon a suo barba, a di 5 Dec." which contains the following: "It is not certainly known whether the Pope died of poison or not. He was opened. Master Fernando judged that he was poisoned, others thought not.

Se io volessi scrivere tutto quel che viddi, non bastarebbe questo foglietto. In due Accademie suonai, e domani suonero anche in una. Finita questa lettera finiro una sinfonia mia, che comminciai. WOLFGANGO in Germania. AMADEO MOZART in Italia. Roma caput mundi il 25 Aprile anno 1770 nell' anno venture 1771.

State archives of Modena. Documents in the State archives of Florence, among the papers regarding Urbino. CI. I. Div. C. Fil. xiv. In 1534 Giulia Varano married Guidobaldo II of Urbino and brought him Camerino, which, however, he was compelled to relinquish in 1539 to Paul III, who gave it to his nephew Octavio Farnese. Copia di una lettera da Roma di 19 Novembre, 1547. State archives of Modena.

We give below a copy of Caper's ticket: No. 17 D'ORDINE, LETTERA C. The numbers on this ticket the registrar filled up, after which it was his duty to copy them in his book, and thus verify the ticket should it draw a prize.

Stiamo Dio grazia assai bene di salute, particolarmente io, quando viene una lettera di Salisburgo. Vi prego di scrivermi tutti giorni di posta, e se anche non avete niente da scrivermi, solamente vorrei averlo per aver qualche lettera tutti giorni di posta. Egli non sarebbe mal fatto, se voi mi scriveste qualche volta una letterina italiana. Signor Jomelli spoke to us and was very civil.

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