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Arvilly wuz more bent on disseminatin' her books to help and instruct, and would have canvassed Michael Angelo himself for the "Twin Crimes," turning her back onto his most wonderful creations. As for Josiah, a wild goat leapin' through museums and picture galleries couldn't have been more scornful of contemporaneous judgment exceptin' when he tried to be fashionable.

A white monument towered up to the sky in the centre of its beautiful lawn in front, and nigher by there wuz a big leapin' fountain guarded on each side by statutes of female wimmen reclining at ease but seemin' to have their eye on the hull beautiful seen and tendin' to things, as wimmen have to. Then anon you would come to a little village with pretty houses, mostly gables.

ANCIENT. Leapin' in the air, rollin' in the grass, wi' they keepers clingin' to 'im like leeches ah! leeches SIMON. And every time they rushed, tap 'ud go 'is "left," and bang 'ud go 'is "right" ANCIENT. An' up 'e'd get, like Samson again, Peter, an' give 'isself a shake; bellerin' like a bull o' Bashan SIMON. Ye see, they fou't so close together that the keepers was afear'd to use their guns

Prosperity is th' bucko now. Barrin' a sthrike at th' stock-yards an' a hold-up here an' there, Prosperity has come leapin' in as if it had jumped fr'm a springboard.

What boats we cudden't r-run ashore we surrindered, he says. 'I cannot write no more, he says, 'as me coat-tails are afire, he says; 'an' I am bravely but rapidly leapin' fr'm wan vessel to another, followed be me valiant crew with a fire-engine, he says. 'If I can save me coat-tails, he says, 'they'll be no kick comin', he says. 'Long live Spain, long live mesilf.

"I'll do it best alone; leastwise I'll take only little Tolly Trevor an' Leapin' Buck with me, for they're both smart an' safe lads, and are burnin' keen to learn somethin' o' woodcraft." In accordance with this determination, Mahoghany Drake, Leaping Buck, and little Trevor set off next day and followed Tom Brixton's trail into the mountains.

If you don't cultivate patience you may as well go an' live in the settlements or the big cities where it don't much matter what a man is but it'll be no use to stop in the wilderness. There's Leapin' Buck, now, a-sittin' as quiet as a Redskin warrior on guard! Take a lesson from him, lad, an' restrain yourself.

"It's not my sowl," says he, sittin' down opossite my father; "it's not my sowl that's annoyin' me most I'm unasy on my right leg," says he, "that I bruk at Glenvarloch cover the day I killed black Barney." 'My father found out afther, it was a favourite horse that fell undher him, afther leapin' the big fence that runs along by the glin.

""Dan," says the ring master when we're in the dressin' room, "when the leapin' begins, you-all go on with the others an' do a somersault or two?" ""Shore!" I says. "'I feels as confidant as a kangaroo! Which I never does try it none; but I supposes that all you has to do is hit the springboard an' let the springboard do the rest. That's where I'm barkin' at a knot!

"When we came to the gap, one of the young fellows named Bounce gave a shout, took a run, and went clear over it just as Leapin' Buck did. He was fond o' showin' off, you know! He turned about with a laugh, and asked us to follow. We declined, and felled a small tree to bridge it. Next day we cut the tree down to a plank, as bein' more handy to shove across in a hurry if need be.