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"Don't you think we might have the door ajar a little?" I suggested anxiously. "Sh!" was Kennedy's only comment in the negative. I glanced now and then at my watch and by straining my eyes was surprised to see how early it was yet. The minutes were surely leaden-footed. In the darkness, I fell again to reviewing the weird succession of events.

Time and again he stumbled and would have sunk down upon the hot sand but for the convulsive clutch of his left hand on the pony's mane and the strong support of Carmena at his other side. He was giddy and nauseated and leaden-footed. Every step required an agonized effort of will power. Yet the exertion of walking proved the best of treatment for him.

The unmasking is to take place at midnight and it is past eleven when Oliver drops back into the stag line after being stuck for a dance and a half with a leaden-footed human flower-basket who devoted the entire time to nervous giggles and the single coy statement that she just knew he never could guess who she was but she recognized him perfectly. He starts looking around for Ted.

Again and again through the leaden-footed hours of the night he saw the villa by Misenum, and with his little countrywoman strolled through the garden, and rested in the panelled atrium; overhead the Neapolitan sky, at their feet the sunniest of sun-lands and the bluest of bays. In plainest speech, he was entering upon a crisis with which to-morrow and the Nazarene will have everything to do.

This was very inconvenient for the leaden-footed Philip, who never took time by the forelock, but always brooded over schemes and let opportunity pass. Don John, on the other hand, was all for forcing the game, and, when he was sent to temporise and conciliate in the Low Countries, and withdraw the Spanish army of occupation, his idea was to send the Spanish forces out of the Netherlands by sea.

So the two went apart again; and the leaden-footed hours crept by, and the girl still wrestled with the fiend. The young nurse was asleep on the couch, and the elder sat dozing in her chair; the two were alone all alone! One of the window-shades was raised, and Thyrsis could see far over the tops of the buildings.

He fell to pacing up and down in a fever of anxiety. Would she never come back? She had begged him to wait for her, but he began to feel he could not wait any longer. The suspense was becoming intolerable. Desperately he marked another quarter of an hour crawl by leaden-footed, moment by moment. And still she did not come. He went for the last time to the open door and looked forth restlessly.

Julian was often exhausted and passing through those leaden-footed dreams that fitfully entrance the vicious, those dreams that are colourless and sombre, that press upon all the faculties, and yet have no real meaning, that stifle all intentions, and put an end, for the moment, to all active desires.

She was buoyed by a fierce determination to be repaid for all the suspense, all the agony of heart, that had weighed her down throughout this long, leaden-footed day the past twenty-four hours unproductive of a single enlightening incident. Mrs. Brace opened the door and, with a scarcely perceptible nod of the head, motioned her into the living room.

He went out and started to descend the stairs; but somebody was banging at the lower door, entering clumsily, and in haste. "Louis!" panted Portlaw, "they say Hamil is dying " "Damn you," whispered Malcourt fiercely, "will you shut your cursed mouth!" Then slowly he turned, leaden-footed, head hanging, and ascended the stairs once more to the room where his wife had been.