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Updated: August 4, 2024

"Un phénomène encore plus curieux que cela est cette belle pyrite sulphureuse jaune, comme de l'or, qui est quelquefois parsemée par tout la substance de pétrifications agathisées, et qui apparemment y fut déposée après la dite métamorphose

"The expression is Boileau's, Mademoiselle, in ridicule of the 'Sot de qualite, who prefers "'Le clinquant du Tasse a tout l'or de Virgile. "But for my part I have as little faith in the last as the first." "I do not know Latin, and have therefore not read Virgil," said Isaura. "Possibly," remarked Graham, "Monsieur does not know Italian, and has therefore not read Tasso."

"The expression is Boileau's, Mademoiselle, in ridicule of the 'Sot de qualite, who prefers "'Le clinquant du Tasse a tout l'or de Virgile. "But for my part I have as little faith in the last as the first." "I do not know Latin, and have therefore not read Virgil," said Isaura. "Possibly," remarked Graham, "Monsieur does not know Italian, and has therefore not read Tasso."

It was Mlle.'s mother, the Widow de Cominges who was inviting me, in her daughter's name, to enter. Blanche was just arising. "Ah, c'est lui! Viens, donc, bete! Is it true that you have won a mountain of gold and silver? J'aimerais mieux l'or." "Yes," I replied with a smile. "How much?" "A hundred thousand florins." "Bibi, comme tu es bete! Come in here, for I can't hear you where you are now.

He said that it was impossible that there must be some mistake that the men had said that the bullion was there, and there it must be. As he spoke his anger rose again, and coming up and kicking the massive silver ingot, he asked again and again in a few words of French, which I believe he had learned especially for the occasion, "Mais ou est l'or? mais ou est l'or?"

John of Acre was blown up sky-high, with eighteen hundred Egyptian soldiers in company with it. The French said that l'or Anglais had achieved all these successes, and no doubt believed that the poor fellows at Acre were bribed to a man.

Aux pauvres. Quand l'or s'enfle dans ton sac, Dieu dans ton coeur decroit; Apprends qu'on est sans pain et sache qu'on a froid. Les jeunes filles vont rodant le soir dans l'ombre, Tes rochets, tes chasubles, aux topazes sans nombre, Ta robe en l'Orient dore s'epanouit, Sont de spectres qui sont noirs et vivant la nuit.

L'or, qui toujours fut de ressource, Par lequel Jupin jouissait De Danae, qu'il caressait; L'or, par qui Cesar gouvernait Le monde heureux sous son empire; L'or, plus dieu que Mars et l'Amour, Le soir, dans les murs de Strasbourg. Sad doggerel; permissible perhaps as a sample of the Friedrich manufacture, surely not otherwise!

«Cette Cordelière occidentale contient beaucoup d'or de même que le pied de l'orient, et celui d'une autres chaîne très-longue qui s'en détache un peu au sud de Popayan, et qui après avoir passé par Santa de Bogota, et par Mérida, va se terminer vers Caracas sur la mer du nord; outre que l'or en paillettes occupe toujours des postes assez bas

Voltaire has not inaptly designated him "De l'or encroute de toutes les ordures de son siecle;" but the crust of superstition that enveloped his powerful mind, though it may have dimmed, could not obscure the brightness of his genius. To him, and apparently to him only, among all the inquiring spirits of the time, were known the properties of the concave and convex lens.

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