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So he departed; and you can't think how pleasant our homely sitting-room looked with his coat and stick in it guarantees of his return. 'Do you think, Milly, he is going to speak about the timber, you know, that Cousin Knollys spoke of? I do hope not. 'So do I, said Milly.

I think Lady Knollys read my amazement and my exalted estimate of the heinousness of the procedure in my face, for she said 'You know we can't quite condemn Silas till we have heard what he has to say. He may have done it in ignorance; or, it is just possible, he may have the right. 'Quite true. He may have the right to cut down trees at Bartram-Haugh.

If I had been a little cooler I was shrewd enough to perceive that she had sent poor Doctor Bryerly away upon his travels, to find board and lodging half-way to Bartram, to remove him forthwith from my presence, and thus to make my decision if mine it was irrevocable. 'I applaud you, my dear, said Cousin Knollys, in her turn embracing me heartily.

And is she tired? There is no sense of fatigue, certainly, in the way she runs up the slope again, and flings herself gracefully upon the rug beside Mr. Gower. Mr. Gower has not stirred from that rug since. He seldom stirs. Perhaps he would not be quite so stout if he did. "You won your game?" says Margaret Knollys, bending towards Tita, with a smile. Old Lady Eshurst is smiling at her, too.

Whereat he raged, expostulated by post, waited, waylaid, and so at length gained an interview, which taught him many things. He found the Lady Catharine Knollys changed from a light-hearted girl to a maiden tall, grave, reserved and sad, offering no reproaches, listening to no protestations. Told of Sir Arthur Pembroke's horrible death, she wept with tears which his survivor envied.

Lady Knollys had not yet returned, and it was darkening rapidly; a mass of black clouds stood piled in the west, through the chasms of which was still reflected a pale metallic lustre. The drawing-room was already very dark; but some streaks of this cold light fell upon a black figure, which would otherwise have been unseen, leaning beside the curtains against the window frame.

"I am engaged for the next." "A word," says Tom, rising and following her. He lays a detaining hand upon her soft, little, bare arm. "You blame her Miss Knollys for being faithful to an old attachment?" "Y-es," says Tita slowly, as if thinking, and then again, "Yes!" with decision. "When the old attachment if of no use any longer, and when there is someone else."

'And now, said he, 'we've returned to Grange, my sister and I, and it is nearer than Elverston, so that we are really neighbours; and Mary wants Lady Knollys to fix a time she owes us a visit, you know and you really must come at the same time; it will be so very pleasant, the same party exactly meeting in a new scene; and we have not half explored our neighbourhood; and I've got down all those Spanish engravings I told you of, and the Venetian missals, and all the rest.

Knollys," because his story is both correctly constructed and beautifully written; but merely in theme this tale is so effective that it could have endured a less accomplished handling. The story runs as follows: A girl and her husband, both of whom are very young, go to the Alps for their honeymoon. The husband, in crossing a glacier, falls into a crevasse.

"I think Miss Knollys is the nicest person in all the world." "Oh, Margaret?" says he. He says it involuntarily. The relief is so great that it compels him to give himself away. "Why, who else?" says Tita. "Who did you think I meant?" "Who could I think?" says he, recovering. "Even now I am surprised. Margaret, though very superior in most ways, is not always beloved." "But you love her?"