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"That doesn't worry me," declared Patty. "I'm so delighted to go that I don't care if I don't buy a thing over there." "You'll change your mind when you get there and get into the wonderful Paris shops," said her father, smiling; "but never fear, puss; you'll have enough francs to buy all the pretty dresses and gewgaws and knick- knacks that it's proper for a little girl like you to have.

The very knick- knacks scattered carelessly about the room might have been admired in the cabinets of the Palazzo Pitti. Beyond this room lay the salle de danse, its ceiling painted by , supported by white marble columns, the glazed balcony and the angles of the room filled with tiers of exotics.

GEORGE. "Well, my most patient sister, I think it very probable that my microscope would be smashed to atoms, and all your little knick knacks reduced to a similar condition. But surely there is no necessity for such violent means to secure the lid: let me see, I have no doubt it will shut quite easily."

"You will have to whip the whole circus, then; these fellows all stand by each other. Your policy is to let the matter drop." "I'll whip the whole circus, then," I retorted, savagely. "Please don't," said a soft voice, and I wilted under it. "It maddens me to be always made ridiculous before you," I whispered. "I'm a dreadfully unfortunate man, Miss Knick " "Fire!"

There were fountains of fairy workmanship, pictures from the old masters, statues from Italy, "chefs-d'oeuvre" of art; porcelain from China and Sevres; damasks, cloth of gold, and bijoux from the East; Gobelin tapestry, tables of malachite and agate, and "knick- knacks" of every description.

Then he would go with Fan to explore Whiteley's, which seemed to require a great deal of exploring; and from these delightful rambles they would return laden with treasures choice bon-bons, exotic flowers and hot- house grapes at five or six shillings a pound; quaint Japanese knick- knacks; books and pictures, and photographs of celebrated men great beetle-browed philosophers, and men of blood and thunder; also of women still more celebrated, on and off the stage.

To be sure, the silver-cased bottle was worth a trifle for its silver, and still more, perhaps, as an antiquarian knick- knack. But, all things considered, the honest and simple apothecary thought that he might make free with the liquid to such small extent as was necessary for himself.

And what do you think he's goin' to do with them inefficacious knick- knacks? Don't surmise none Cherokee told me.

Ellice told me was, that she had to keep a sharp watch on Lord Brougham if he sat near her writing-table while he talked to her; for if there was any pretty little knick- knack within his reach he would, if her head were turned, slip it into his pocket. The truth is perhaps better than the dark hint, for certainly we all laughed at it as nothing but eccentricity. Mr.

There were the little tables, the draperies, the photograph frames, and all the hundred and one knick- knacks and odds and ends by means of which a lady of taste makes a chamber lovely in the eyes of brutal man.