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Updated: August 12, 2024

She told her friend the whole story with perfect frankness, and her letter was immediately answered by a telegram. 'I start for Scotland to-morrow, will break my journey by staying a night at Fellside, and will take Lady Lesbia on to Kirkbank with me next day, if she can be ready to go. 'She shall be ready, said Lady Maulevrier.

So Lady Kirkbank carried her off to the musical matinée, beaming and radiant, having forgotten all about that dark hint of evil glancing at the name of her long dead grandfather.

'Lady Kirkbank, eh? la belle farce, Lady Kirkbank standing out for etiquette. 'Don't laugh at my chaperon, sir. Upon what rock can a poor girl lean if you undermine her faith in her chaperon, sir. 'I hope you will have a better guardian before you are a month older. I mean to be a very strong rock, Lesbia. You do not know how firmly I shall stand between you and all the perils of society.

In the first place the trip across will be delicious' Lady Kirkbank gave a faint groan 'and in the second place I am dying to see Brittany. 'I doubt if you will highly appreciate St. Malo. It is a town of many and various smells. 'But I want to smell those foreign smells of which one hears much. At least it is an experience. We need not be on shore any longer than we like.

Bees; and she knew that she would be the queen of the hour. She accepted Mr. Smithson's invitation for the Cowes week more graciously than she was wont to receive his attentions, and was pleased to say that the whole thing would be rather enjoyable. 'It will be simple enchantment, exclaimed the more enthusiastic Georgie Kirkbank.

See had been entrusted to Lady Kirkbank as to a person who thoroughly knew the great world, and she must submit to be governed by the wisdom and experience of her chaperon. If the bills were heavy, that would be Lady Kirkbank's affair; and no doubt dear grandmother was rich enough to afford anything Lesbia wanted. She had been told that she was to take rank among heiresses.

According to our English ideas she has most revolting manners, and the money she spends on her clothes would make your hair stand on end. Now do, dearest grandmother, make all your arrangements for beginning the campaign directly after Easter. You must take a house in the very choicest quarter Lady Kirkbank suggests Grosvenor-place and it must be a large house, for of course you will give a ball.

A pair of post-horses brought Lady Kirkbank and her maid from Windermere station, in time for afternoon tea, and the friends who had only met twice within the last forty years, embraced each other on the threshold of Lady Maulevrier's morning-room.

Lesbia blushed, and confessed that the Duchess of Lostwithiel was one of those select few who were not on Lady Kirkbank's visiting list. 'There are people Lady Kirkbank cannot get on with, she said. 'Perhaps she will hardly like to go to the duchess's, as she does not visit her. 'Oh, but this affair counts for nothing. We go to hear Metzikoff, not to bow down to the duchess.

'It was, said Lady Kirkbank, in the same soothing tone; 'but if you liked this Hammond-Hartfield creature a little in those old days, I know you have outlived that liking long ago. 'Of course; but it is a hard thing to know one has been fooled, cheated, weighed in the balance and found wanting, said Lesbia, scornfully.

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