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He promised one "odmah," which being translated is "at once," but means really within "eight or nine hours." We waited. Nine a.m. passed. Ten a.m. went by. A small boy sneaked up and tried to sell some contraband tobacco; but Jan had just bought "State."

"What is it?" exclaimed Miss Deborah, and even Master Cheese contrived to get his eyes open to look. "It is the lost codicil," replied Jan. "It must have been in that bureau. How did it get there?" How indeed? There ensued a pause. "It must have been placed there" Jan was beginning, and then he stopped himself. He would not, before those ladies, say "by Dr. West."

Her face was as brown as a nut and full of wrinkles, but it shone with such kindness and good-will that, when Jan and Marie had taken one look at her, they could not help walking along by her side. "Maybe she has seen Mother," whispered Marie to Jan. "Let's ask her!" The little old woman smiled down at them as they joined her.

With a terrified cry to the dogs, Jan ran back, and the team turned about and followed him in a tangled mass. Then he stopped. There was no smoke rising from the clay chimney on the little cabin. Its one window was white with frost. Again and again he shouted, but no sign of life responded to his cries. He fired his rifle twice, and waited with his mittened hand over his mouth and nostrils.

I will hide among the trees, and I promise that some of them shall die to-night before they find me. For the honor of the regiment, sahib, do not refuse this thing. All I ask is, if your honor escapes, that you will write to Kurnal I-shpence-sahib, and tell him the last act of Mir Jan, naik in B troop." There was an intense pathos in the man's words.

Toward the middle of the next day, Jan, feeling cramped and rather miserable as the result of his unaccustomed confinement, changed his mind about that fish and ate it; slowly, and without enjoyment, but yet with some benefit to himself. Less than an hour later Jean entered to him, carrying in his hands a contrivance of leather, with long trailing ends.

But just after the death of an old nurse, in whose care he had placed his child, another crisis came to Mr. Ford's client. On the same day he got letters from his father and from his father-in-law. From the first, to press his instant return home; from the second, to say that, if he could not at once bring Jan, the old man would make the effort of a voyage to England to fetch him.

Just try for one brief moment to remember some of the "censored" cables that have been sent home to you during the war, and then compare it with such a cable as this, which would have come if the Press men had a free hand: "Kruger's Valley, Jan. 12. "The Division, under General , arrived at Kruger's Valley four days ago. No latrines have been dug ... weather terribly hot, with rain threatening.

Ah, we WERE happy! Then" "Well, Master Swift?" said Jan, for the schoolmaster had paused. "Can't ye see the place is empty?" he answered sharply. "Who takes bite or sup with me but Rufus? "I'd have gone mad but for the boy. All my thought was to make up her loss to him. A child learns a man to be unselfish, Jan.

But ere any female appeared to occupy it, he was himself summoned to take his seat on the pillion behind Cristal Nixon, amid the grins of his old acquaintance Jan who helped him to horse, and the unrestrained laughter of Cicely, who displayed on the occasion a case of teeth which might have rivalled ivory.