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"And he isn't offering us the money merely for the sake of getting rid of it, do you think?" "Then what is he offering it to you for?" "That's exactly what I want to know. Haven't you any idea?" "Haven't you?" She waited a minute before deciding to speak openly. "I suppose you never heard that he once asked me to marry him?"

As nearly as he could guess, she wanted him to be a lawyer because she did not want him to be a hotel-keeper, and her prejudice against that was because she believed that selling liquor made her father a drunkard. "Well, now you know enough about me, Mr. Westover, to know that drink isn't my danger." "Yes, I think I do," said Westover.

Isn't it so, sir? 'I believe it is, said Lancelot, utterly puzzled in this new field of romance. 'And bitter work it was for them, no doubt, poor souls!

Then he continued, "this is the hotel, and to-day is the fifteenth of March. But why don't they put in an appearance. It isn't like them to be late. They'd better not play me any tricks or they'll find I have lost none of my old power of retaliation."

After she had gone, adoringly wrapped up by Algernon, Patty turned to her mother with a little malicious grimace: "I know it's horrid to say she's dreadful, mamma, but she really is." "Don't, Patty, it isn't kind, and, besides, she's a friend of Gabriella's. What I can't understand," she added, "is how Bessie ever came out of Virginia, yet there were always a few like her.

That's curious, isn't it? She's like some heavenly spirit that's passed by me, and touched me into newness of life." His ardor was so sincere, his hymn of praise so spontaneous that he expected some sort of echo back.

"I've got a good appetite, though I've been up a food deal less than an hour." "Take your overcoat alone," said Jeff; "or will you come up and get after breakfast?" "I'll take it down with me. It isn't my coat, you know. Mine was a much better one. I wish I had it back." Jeff, meanwhile, had taken up the coat. "There's something in the pocket," he said. "What is it?" "I didn't put anything in."

"'I don't want him to turn out a dull blockhead, he said, 'and so I propose that you should take charge of him, and teach him to keep himself young. I wish I had done it, myself. "And so it was settled. "There is no better employer in the city than your uncle. There is not a man or boy about the place who isn't well paid, and contented.

I asked, remembering our use of that instrument in other cases. "It would record," he replied, "but I want a phonograph record. Nothing else will do in this case. You'll see why, before I get through. Besides, this apparatus isn't complicated.

He did not enjoy his food when there were no open mouths round him. "'Tis worth while waking up for this, isn't it?" said he, laughing loudly; his voice was deep and warm again. As he drank his coffee, Söster and Povl hurried into their clothes; they wanted to see him off. They ran in between his and the nag's legs as he was harnessing. The sun was just rising.