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Updated: August 26, 2024

He said he was leaving his lieutenant at Koseritz for a few days, but that he himself had to get back into harness at once, "While the young one plays around," he said, slapping Herr von Inster on the back this time instead of the Oberforster, "among the varied and delightful flora of our old German forests.

And Herr von Inster is going to stay another week, taking his summer leave now instead of later, and he says he will see me safe to Berlin when I go next Saturday.

He was very jovial indeed, seemed fond and proud of his lieutenant, Herr von Inster, slapped the Oberforster every now and then on the back, which made him nearly faint with joy each time, and wished it weren't breakfast and only coffee, because he would have liked to drink our healths, "The healths of these two delightful young roses," he said, bowing to Frau Bornsted and me, "the Rose of England long live England, which produces such flowers and the Rose of Germany, our own wild forest rose."

That's the idea the Government wants to keep before Europe, Herr von Inster says, this idea of benevolent, beery harmlessness.

She had been inclined to warn me against Herr von Inster as a person removed by birth from my sphere I suppose that's because I play the violin and also against drives in forests generally if the parties were both unmarried; and she had been extraordinarily dignified when I laughed, and had told me it was all very well for me to laugh, being only an ignorant junges Madchen, but she doubted whether my mother would laugh; and she watched our departure for our picnic very stiffly and unsmilingly from the porch.

Wanda came to my door and banged on it with what sounded like a saucepan, and I daresay was, for she wouldn't waste time leaving off stirring the pudding while she went to open the front door, and she called out very loud, "Der Herr Offizier ist schon wieder da." All the flat must have heard her, and so did Herr von Inster.

Suppose he played, out there in the dusk, with the stars and the water and the forest all round us, what would it be like? He got up without a word and went indoors. The Grafin looked uneasy. "I hope," she said to Frau Kloster, "my asking has not offended him?" But Bernd knew Bernd, still at that moment only Herr von Inster for me. "He is going to play," he said.

Of course I'm not a bit alone really, for there is Kloster, who takes a very real and lively interest in me and is the most delightful of men, and there is Herr von Inster, who has been twice to see me since that day I lunched at his aunt's, and everybody in this house talks to me now, more to me, I think, than to any other of the boarders, because I'm English and they seem to want to educate me out of it.

I didn't a bit want to play at it, or bother about it, or anything else. The hot weather drove the Grafin into the country, Herr von Inster told me, He too seems to think I ought to go away. I saw him this afternoon after being with Kloster, and he says he'll go down to his aunt's that is Grafin Koseritz while I'm in the neighbourhood, and will ride over and see me.

It isn't that I don't read and reread your darling letters, it's that one has such heaps to say oneself to you. Each time I write to you I seem to empty the whole contents of the days I've lived since I last wrote into your lap. But to-morrow I'll answer all your questions, to-morrow evening, after my day with Herr von Inster, then I can tell you all about it. Good-bye till then, sweet mother.

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