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Updated: August 16, 2024

"My goodness, whose insecks do you think these insecks are?" "I just know there's somep'n," she went on, following her own line of thought, and indifferent to his outburst. "There's somep'n we could do with 'em that we'd never forget, if we could only think of it." In spite of himself, Herbert was interested. "Well, what?" he asked. "What could we do with 'em we'd never forget?"

"'Right yere in my war-bags, says Moon, 'awaitin' to make good for your tine an' talent an' trouble in revengin' my pore nephy's deemise by way of them insecks. An' Moon slaps his pocket as locatin' the dinero. "'Well, I don't get him, says Curly Ben ca'mly, settin' his glass on the bar.

"Now if you'd gone in for breedin' insecks, you could be as proud as Cuffy an' exhibit 'em at the County Fair! They'd give yer prizes for size an' numbers an' speed, I guess! Why, say, they're real crowded for room the plants ain't give 'em enough leaves to roost on! Have you tried 'Bug Death'?" "It acts like a tonic on them," said Justin gloomily. "Sho! you don't say so!

"Now if you'd gone in for breedin' insecks, you could be as proud as Cuffy an' exhibit 'em at the County Fair! They'd give yer prizes for size an' numbers an' speed, I guess! Why, say, they're real crowded for room the plants ain't give 'em enough leaves to roost on! Have you tried 'Bug Death'?" "It acts like a tonic on them," said Justin gloomily. "Sho! you don't say so!

He's a whole sunflower patch!" "Yes," drawled Bill, highly appreciating their marks of approval. "That's what I call a partickler fine character of a man. There ain't no manner of insecks on to him." "You bet!" said Hi. "I say," broke in one of the boys, who was just emerging from the tenderfoot stage, "o' course that's in the Bible, ain't it?" The Pilot assented.

Cap, I thought I knowed somethin' about cooties, but I take it back I never knowed nothin' about them insecks till last night. Where they come from I dunno, but I'll tell the world they come, and if they wasn't half an inch long I'll eat 'em. They darn near dragged me off whole, and all the sleep I got ye could stick in a flea's eye. Lookit here." He extended an arm dotted with swollen red spots.

"Do you s'pose," she said, at last, in a musing voice: "Herbert, do you s'pose maybe there's some poor family's children somewheres that haven't got any playthings or anything and we could take all these " But here Herbert proved unsympathetic. "I'm not goin' to give my insecks to any poor people's children," he said emphatically. "I don't care how poor they are!"

"Vile things!" she said. "They are not, either!" Herbert retorted hotly. "They're about the finest insecks that you or anybody else ever saw, and you ought to be ashamed " "I ought?" his cousin cried. "Well, I should think you're the one ought to be ashamed, if anybody ought!

"Why, how could just lookin' through it " "Lookin' through it the wrong way isn't goin' to help it any, I tell you!" he insisted. "You're old enough to know that, and I'm not goin' to have my magnifying-glass spoiled and all my insecks wasted just because of a mere whin of yours!" "A what?" "A mere whin, I said!" "What's a whin?" "Never you mind," said Herbert ominously.

But then ants dazzles me I lay down to ants, an' I looks on it as no disgrace to a gent to say so. "'Ants shorely do sound poignant, admits Dan, 'speshully them big black an' red ants that has stingers like hornets an' pinchers like bugs. Sech insecks, armed to the teeth as they be, an' laid out to fight both ways from the middle, is likewise too many for me.

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