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Unable to walk, usually deaf and dumb, with bleared eyes, and head of disproportionate size, brown, flabby, and leprous skin, a huge goitre descending from the throat and resting upon the breast, an abdomen enormously distended, the lower limbs crooked, weak, and ill-shaped, without the power of utterance, or thoughts to utter, and generally incapable of seeing, not from defect of the visual organs, but from want of capacity to fix the eye upon any object, the cretin seems beyond the reach of human sympathy or aid.

Like some of our belles and dandies, it has a gaudy vest to veil an ill-shaped body. The throat, and part of the head, are a bright red; the breast and belly have black spots on a yellow ground; the wings are a dark green, black, and white; and the rump and tail black and green. Like the manikin, it has no song: it depends solely upon a showy garment for admiration.

Jack saw the imprint of what looked like two ill-shaped short feet of a man walking barefooted or perhaps two crude hands pressed into the dirt and was thrilled into forgetfulness of his trouble. Before they had gone another mile, he had bought Hank's rifle and all the cartridges he happened to have with him.

One startling fact nudity revealed, that I had been egregiously mistaken on the question of sex. My visitor was not a man, but a woman, and, judging from the brief glimpse which I had of her body, by no means old or ill-shaped either. If that transformation was not a bewildering one, then two and two make five.

Above that the floors are laid on beams, and the walls are not more than eight feet thick comparatively flimsy for such a place! Nine-tenths of it was built for strength the small remainder for comfort; there is not a single large hall in all the great fortress, and the courtyard within the main gate is a gloomy, ill-shaped little paved space, barely big enough to give fifty men standing room.

When he looked at the girl, he recoiled with disgust; for she was so gaunt and tall that the clothes of Désirée scarcely covered her knees, and her extreme thinness, her red, hooked nose, her black and ill-shaped teeth, made her as ugly as Désirée was beautiful. Prince Warrior, who for months had thought of nothing but his lovely bride, stood petrified.

Many women, in being with child, on seeing a hare cross the road in front of them, will, through the force of imagination, bring forth a child with a hairy lip. Some children are born with flat noses and wry mouths, great blubber lips and ill-shaped bodies; which must be ascribed to the imagination of the mother, who has cast her eyes and mind upon some ill-shaped creature.

But should not a father, if there be any natural kindness in him, seek to apply remedies to such defects rather than to punish them? Even the brute beasts, if their offspring chance to be ill-shaped, are the more careful to nourish and cherish it.

"'Very soon, my dear, answered Miss Evans. "And then Master Bernard turned off to some other question, as impertinently expressed as those he had put before. "The dinner was set out in the room used for a schoolroom; an ill-shaped room, with walls that had been washed with salmon colour, but which were all scratched and inked.

He wore a broadcloth coat of the fashion of some years ago, but his waistcoat and nether garments of the common, reddish homespun, were loose and ill-shaped, as if their owner did not waste thought on such trifles. His hat, as shockingly bad as Horace Greeley's, had the inevitable broad brim, and fell over his face like a calash-awning over a shop-window.