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Ned answered huffily: "'Pon my word, I never met such a fellow as you, for thinking the worst of people." The thrust went home. Mahony clapped his book to. "You lay yourself open to it, sir! If I'm wrong, I beg your pardon. But for goodness' sake, Ned, put all these trashy ideas of making a fortune out of your mind. Digging is played out, I tell you.

He had forgotten the exact words, but the gist of it had been that Woman, however she might treat a man in times of prosperity, could be relied on to rally round and do the right thing when he was in trouble. How little the poet had known woman. "Why not?" he said huffily. She gave a little sob. "I put you on a pedestal and I find you have feet of clay.

"You'll like HIM, I'm sure, when you know him; and you'll LOVE Mrs. Carew." "Will I, indeed?" retorted Jimmy huffily. "Well, that IS a serious prospect. Let us hope, if I do, the lady will be so gracious as to reciprocate." "Of course," dimpled Pollyanna. "Now listen, and I'll read to you about her. This letter is from her sister, Della Miss Wetherby, you know, at the Sanatorium." "All right.

I didn't say a word, but went to my mother, and she, mother-like, comforted me with a big dinner which she had kept for me. I was content to throw the cuffing in, and still feel that I had the best of the bargain. An elder brother began to chaff me and ask, 'Where are your ducks? 'Better go and look under the seat in the stern-sheets before you make any more faces, I answered, huffily.

His exasperation steadily waxed against the girl, a convicted felon, who thus had the audacity to beard him. "What has all this to do with the question of theft in the store?" he rumbled, huffily. "That was the excuse for your coming here. And, instead of telling me something, you rant about gas-stoves and carfare." The inexorable voice went on in its monotone, as if he had not spoken.

"My dear, are you describing Clark Gable or someone you met in our garden this morning?" she demanded sweetly. "Very well," Val retorted huffily into the depths of the oatmeal pan he was wiping, "you catch him next time." "I will," was her serene answer as she wrung out the dish-cloth.

"How about Dewey wiping out the Spanish fleet at Manila?" demanded Roger still huffily, "That reminds me," said Win coolly. "I believe it was an English admiral who backed Dewey up at Manila when the Germans tried to butt in. After that battle somebody wrote a poem about it and wrote the truth, too.

She put her hands over her eyes, shrinking, frightened. Was it possible she loved Darcy Faircloth best? A knocking. Damaris slipped the letter into the pocket of her dress, and rising crossed the room and opened the door. Hordle stood in the pale spacious corridor without. He presented Marshall Wace's card. The gentleman, he said rather huffily, had called, bringing a message from Mrs.

"It is of little consequence to you, no doubt," said Percival, rather huffily; "but I am for once perfectly serious, Elizabeth. Why could you not come down to dinner to-night when Rupert and I were here?" "I very seldom come down to dinner. I was with the children." "The children are not your business." "Indeed they are. Mrs. Heron has given them into my charge, and I am glad of it.

You are honoured!" "Didn't ask me, I notice!" sniffed Hannah huffily. "No twin soul here. Recognised an affinity in you, I suppose." "Well, I wasn't asked to play in team matches! Don't grudge me my little score!" returned Darsie, knowing well that an honour in sport was more to her companion than many cocoas. "Besides, you must remember you have Helen Ross!" "Oh, ah, yes! Helen Ross dotes on me.