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Updated: August 20, 2024

There, while the thunder rolled among the mountains, the rain plashed upon the window-shutters and the wind blew like the very devil, I muttered to myself, "Here is a man bearing worthily one of the most honored names in the Commonwealth a member, in fact, of one of the first the first first fam families in Vir gin ia, actually pr prais praising Yan Yank Yankees in in's own hou " I was asleep.

"They would take you," I replied, fixing her sternly with my gaze, "they would take you for an unconscionable baggage." "Hou!" laughed Carlotta, suddenly. And she ran from the room. In a moment she was back again. She came up to me demurely and plucked my sleeve. "Come and show me what I must put on so as to please you." I rang the bell for Antoinette, to whom I gave the necessary instructions.

It is extremely funny, when some unexpected grasshopper, some free-and-easy beetle presents itself without invitation or excuse, scampering over our white mats, to see the manner in which Chrysantheme indicates it to my righteous vengeance merely pointing her finger at it, without another word than "Hou!" said with bent head, a particular pout, and a scandalised air.

When she wanted company she had only her parents or her husband. She preferred to go out alone. The excellent Risler had such an absurd way of showing his love for her, playing with her as if she were a doll, pinching her chin and her cheek, capering about her, crying, "Hou! hou!" or staring at her with his great, soft eyes like an affectionate and grateful dog.

It is extremely funny, when some unexpected grasshopper, some free-and-easy beetle presents itself without invitation or excuse, scampering over our white mats, to see the manner in which Chrysanthème indicates it to my righteous vengeance, merely pointing her finger at it, without another word than "Hou!" said with bent head, a particular pout, and a scandalized air.

Before commencing, San-it-sa-rish desired an aged medicine-man to make an oration, which he did fluently and poetically. Its subject was the praise of the giver of the feast. At the end of each period there was a general "Hou! hou!" of assent equivalent to the hear! hear! of civilised men.

My Mongol host was on hand, looking after my interests, but he could talk with me only through the medium of Tchagan Hou, who spoke a little Chinese, and Wang, who knew even less English. My spirits were rather low as I said good-bye to my kind hosts one bright morning in August.

In the days of the Emperor Yau lived a prince by the name of Hou I, who was a mighty hero and a good archer. Once ten suns rose together in the sky, and shone so brightly and burned so fiercely that the people on earth could not endure them. So the Emperor ordered Hou I to shoot at them. And Hou I shot nine of them down from the sky.

His face was red and he added something unintelligible about them all going to a terminus not on that road, while Captain Champion, coming to his rescue, proclaimed that the Suez section would be brought back, "expectin' to arrive hyeh an hou' by sun.

How vividly familiar it was, and yet how agonisingly strange! "Where is Polyphemus?" she asked. "Dead," said I. "Oh-h! How did poor Polyphemus die?" "He was smitten by Destiny at the end of the last act of a farcical tragedy." The ghost of a "hou!" came from Carlotta. She composed herself immediately. "I often used to think of Polyphemus and Seer Marcous and Antoinette," she said, musingly.

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