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"Oh," Jacques replied, caressing Poulette's haunches with his whip-lash. "It's the priests; they were too grasping. They are avaricious, that's what they are. They want everything for themselves. And a fete ca coule, vous savez. Besides, the spirit of the times has changed. People aren't so devout now. Libres penseurs that's the fashion now. Hola, Poulette!" Poulette responded.

'Hola, Alessio! and taking a glove that Philip had left on the table, he held it to the boy. A few unintelligible words passed between them; then the boy pointed direct to Philip, and waved his hand northwards. 'He says the gentleman who owns this glove comes from the North, from far away, interpreted the Italian; then as the boy made the gesture of walking in chains, 'that he is a captive.

"Hola!" he shouted, "Simon, mon vieux, tu es la?" From the inner room came the sound of voices, a man's and a woman's, and now, as if in response to Heron's call, the shrill tones of a child. There was some shuffling, too, of footsteps, and some pushing about of furniture, then the door was opened, and a gruff voice invited the belated visitors to enter.

In one minute from the time of starting they had gained a height of forty feet, and then the sudden trampling of horses' hoofs, and the loud shouts of their pursuers told them that the latter had rounded the bend, and that they were seen. In a few seconds the sounds ceased at the foot of the cliff, and in another instant the voice of the head overseer was heard shouting to them "Hola there!

Hola! some one there," called out D'Artagnan, leaning over the gilded balustrade. The heads of seven or eight musketeers appeared. "I wish some gentleman who is so disposed to escort the Comte de la Fere," cried D'Artagnan. "Thank you for your readiness, gentlemen," said Athos; "I regret to have occasion to trouble you in this manner."

Soon they reached the cross-roads, and in the dense blackness of the night the gaunt arms of the sign-post pointed ghostlike towards the north. The men hung back, wrapped in the darkness as in a pall, while Roger advanced alone. "Hola! Is anyone there?" he called softly. Then, as no reply came, he added more loudly: "Hola! A friend with some clothes found in the Rue Berthier. Is anyone here? Hola!

'Hola, Pig! cried Rigaud, with a noisy stimulating cry, as if Cavalletto were an Italian horse or mule. 'What! The infernal old jail was a respectable one to this. There was dignity in the bars and stones of that place. It was a prison for men. But this? Bah! A hospital for imbeciles!

Athos, fearing lest he should be suspected of connivance with some of his compatriots, remained outside the tent. "Hola!" said Monk, in French, "wake up here." Two or three of the sleepers got up. "I want a man to light me," continued Monk. "Your honor may depend upon us," said a voice which made Athos start. "Where do you wish us to go?" "You shall see. A light! come, quickly!" "Yes, your honor.

"I doubt it not, mon ami," quoth the archer, going back to his tankard. "Here is to thee, lad, and may we be good comrades to each other! But, hola! what is it that ails our friend of the wrathful face?" The unfortunate limner had been sitting up rubbing himself ruefully and staring about with a vacant gaze, which showed that he knew neither where he was nor what had occurred to him.

When I came off the galley at Hythe, this very day, I down on my bones, and I kissed the good brown earth, as I kiss thee now, ma belle, for it was eight long years since I had seen it. The very smell of it seemed life to me. But where are my six rascals? Hola, there! En avant!"