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In the literary remains of Johann Christ Hofmann in Coburg was found thepatentof an order ofSanftmuth und Versöhnung.” A

'Yes, father, said Dollie. 'And poor Hofmann the woodcutter will never be able to eat any more soup. He fell down quite close by us as if a thunderbolt had hit him. 'Hofmann! said Roller hastily; 'your god-father, child, and my old friend? But, he went on, 'who is that lying in yon dark corner? He rose and went across in that direction.

Following these, it introduced its readers to new compositions by Sir Arthur Sullivan, Tosti, Moszkowski, Richard Strauss, Paderewski, Josef Hofmann, Edouard Strauss, and Mascagni. Bok induced Josef Hofmann to give a series of piano lessons in his magazine, and Madame Marchesi a series of vocal lessons.

Nobody but God knows how father uses her, and I daren't go and protect her. 'Listen! said Dollie anxiously. 'Hofmann is coming to life again down there in the corner. I can hear him breathing. Both children listened. 'That noise isn't Hofmann, said Conrad. 'It comes out of the ground. He laid himself down and listened again, with his ear close to the earth.

As the great musical artists, especially the pianists, arrive one after the other, and lead the town captive, one asks, not whether there be any limit to the number, but to the skill. Last year there was the prodigy, the phenomenon, the boy Hofmann, and all the superlatives were spent in his praise. This year it is Rosenthal valley of roses and sweet as their attar is his spell.

These two works were considered about the top of piano virtuosity. Meanwhile the boy was always composing and still with his teacher Marxsen. The political revolution of 1848, was the cause of many refugees crowding into Hamburg on their way to America. One of these was the violinist, Edward Remenyi, a German Hungarian Jew, whose real name was Hofmann.

'What is it? said Roller, turning his dark lantern so that its light fell for a moment on the dying man's pale face. Hofmann lifted his failing eyes towards the approaching figure, and said in a broken voice, and with long pauses between: 'Comrade, there is a cold Swedish bullet rankling in my vitals.

It was agreed that the encore "bull" was to be taken by the horns that week; that no matter what the ovation to Hofmann might be, however the public might clamor, no encore was to be forthcoming; and Bok was to give the public an explanation during the following week. The next concert was to present Mischa Elman, and his co-operation was assured so that continuity of effort might be counted upon.

About the same time N.N. Zinin found that on reducing nitrobenzene, a base was formed which he named benzidam. A.W. von Hofmann investigated these variously prepared substances, and proved them to be identical, and thenceforth they took their place as one body, under the name aniline or phenylamine.

Be so good as ride directly into that Redoubt, or I will present, and give fire!" A dangerous moment for the Durchlaucht of Stolberg; Battalion Salmuth actually taking possession of the wall again; Hofmann here with its poised firelock on the cock, "ready" for that fourth word, as above indicated.