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Updated: August 6, 2024

As to knowin' anything about him, what do you mean by that? Do YOU know anything about him?" "Not much. Neither does anyone else; that's the queer part of it. While old lady Dott your Aunt Lavinia occupied this house, he was here a good deal. He didn't do anything then, except to be a general high-flyer around town with a few chums like Monty Holway, who is another gay young bird with money.

"It was obliging of you to stay and hold High-flyer," he said, as he mounted. "If he had been frightened away, I should have been greatly hindered, for I have many miles before me." That brought them suddenly back to their first topic; but now Alwin handled it with perfect courtesy. "Let me urge you again to turn back with me.

But ere we had talked much more, we saw two other passengers approach us, who, by their often turning to one another, and their laying down arguments with their hands, seemed to be in warm debate together; which was as we conjectured; for when they drew nearer to us, they proved to be a termagant High-Flyer, and a puritanical Scripturian, a fiery Scotchman: Occasional Conformity was their subject; for I heard the Scot tell him 'twas all popery, downright popery, and that the inquisition in Spain was christianity to it, by retarding the sons of grace from partaking of the gifts of the Lord; he said it was the building of Babel, and they were confounded in the works of their hands by the confusion of tongues; such crys, says he, went forth before the desolation of the great city.

The car started again. The gentleman, furious at the turn of the tide, cried out, "Ho, ho! here's a pretty preacher of the gospel of equality! why, ladies and gentlemen, this high-flyer, who presumes to lecture us, is nothing but a"

She certainly was not one of the high-flyer yachts which had been bought up for service in the Confederate navy. When the two vessels were not more than a mile apart, a column of smoke rose from her waist, as she swung around so that her great gun could be brought to bear, and a shot dropped into the water at least an eighth of a mile short of the Vixen. "Thank you, sir!" exclaimed Christy.

A woman sober, and no high-flyer, as he calls it. I demanded his estate. He tells me, which he says also he hath not done to any, that his estate is not full L800 per annum, but it is L780 per annum, of which L200 is by the death of his last wife, which he will allot for a joynture for a wife, but the rest, which lies in Cambridgeshire, he is resolved to leave entire for his eldest son.

There is one season of the year, however, which brings all birds in a manner to a level, and tames the pride of the loftiest high-flyer which is the season of building their nests.

"We shall see we shall see," exclaimed the old gentleman drily, in a manner that delighted Bingley and made him tingle all over to "be in at the death" himself. "Dobbs has planned it to" "Dobbs?" interrupted the old gentleman sharply, "what family? Not the Ingoldsby Dobbs, I trust" "This chap's name is Ingoldsby Dobbs," said Bingley; "he's a high-flyer, I tell you!

Well, Gentlemen, and what if we are called High-flyers now, and an Hundred Names of Contempt and Distinction, what is this to the purpose? who would not be a High-flyer, to be Tackt and Consolidated in an Engine of such sublime Elevation, and which lifts Men, Monarchs, Members, yea, and whole Nations, up into the Clouds; and performs with such wondrous Art, the long expected Experiment of a Voyage to the Moon?

I used to be a high-flyer myself some years ago. What knocked you out of the game?" "I oh, I lost my job," said Vallance. "It's undiluted Hades, this city," went on the other. "One day you're eating from china; the next you are eating in China a chop-suey joint. I've had more than my share of hard luck. For five years I've been little better than a panhandler.

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