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Updated: August 6, 2024

"He went up with a kite," said Bert, and explained the case, to which the old man listened with interest. "Well! well! well!" exclaimed Mr. Roscoe, in a high piping voice. "Going to take a sail through the air, was he? You'll have to build him a balloon, eh?" "I think he had better stay on the ground after this." "He must be a high-flyer of a cat," and the old man chuckled over his joke.

He has lately, however, been made happy by the receipt of a fine Welsh falcon, which Master Simon terms a stately high-flyer.

But I shall find him. I am a coward to doubt it," said Amyas, setting his teeth. "There, vice-admiral, you're beaten, and that's the rubber. Pay up three dollars, old high-flyer, and go and earn more, like an honest adventurer." "Well," said Drake, as he pulled out his purse, "we'll walk down now, and see about these young hot-heads. As I live, they are setting to tow the ships out already!

Father McCluskey's interview with Tom took place in the priest's room one morning after early mass. It had gone abroad, somehow, that his Reverence intended to discipline the "high-flyer," and a considerable number of the "tenement-house gang," as Tom called them, had loitered behind to watch the effect of the good father's remonstrances.

His disposition was easy-going, although his intellect was such a high-flyer; in pagan times he would have believed in ridiculous divinities rather than set himself up as an atheist.

"They stopped here, goin’ home to their place. My Lord! warn’t she a high-flyer! She done her hair like a tied-up horse-tailmy wife called it a Sikey knotand it stood out a foot from her head. Some of the boys, kinder playful, wanted to throw a hat at it and see if it wouldn’t hang, but they refrained, out of respect to the feelin’s of the groom.

Some folks think she's a high-flyer but I don't blame her seein' as how she has that old blowhard for a husband which is true, if he is your pardner." Alice asked if the Strouts had any children. "Yes, they've got a little boy, an' he's a chip of the old block.

"Will I dare to speak to such a high-flyer?" said the Deacon, doubtfully. Levi's eyes, flashed from one point to another, rested on the Deacon for a moment, and the latter wreathed his face with a grin of recognition. Then Levi's stern countenance relaxed with a still broader grin. "Hello, 'Squire," he shouted joyously. "Is that you? Where are the boys?"

A woman sober, and no high-flyer, as he calls it. I demanded his estate. He tells me, which he says also he hath not done to any, that his estate is not full L800 per annum, but it is L780 per annum, of which L200 is by the death of his last wife, which he will allot for a joynture for a wife, but the rest, which lies in Cambridgeshire, he is resolved to leave entire for his eldest son.

You take my word for it, boys, I've always considered her a high-flyer myself, but, just the same, people here do tell awful whoppers ... and swear to them. She can't be as bad as they say ... If one were to swallow everything one hears! Wasn't poor don Ramón the greatest man the District ever produced? Well, what don't they say about him?..."

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