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Updated: August 29, 2024

Randy laughed, "Oh, if you listen to Mother " "I'm glad you're in time for the Horse Show," Mr. Flippin interposed, "I've got a couple of prize hawgs an' when you see them, you'll say they ain't anything like them on the other side." "Oh, Father " "Well, they ain't. I reckon Virginia's good enough for you to come back to, ain't it, Mr. Randy ?"

I war plumb 'shamed fur the critters in the woods ter view sech idle sinfulness, a ole owel, a-blinkin' down out'n a hollow tree, kem ter see what ping, pang, ping, pang meant, an' thar war a rabbit settin' up on two legs in the bresh, an' a few stray razor-back hawgs; I tell ye I war mortified 'fore even sech citizens ez them, an' a lazy, impident-lookin' dog ez followed him."

"They's a half barrel uf lime and a bucket and bresh in the corner uf the barn what Mas' Adams made me git, he did; but it's fer the hawgs and can't be wasted on no chickens," he said, answering my very courteous request with a great lack of graciousness. "The chickens will pay it back to the hogs, Rufus," I answered airily as I ran back to the barn, eager for the fray.

Bristow, over on the other side from here he's got a big drove of hawgs." "Well, mebbe so," said the man; "but hawgs is a heap more apt to be feedin' on high ground, seems like to me. Well, I'll be gittin' along towards town. G'day, squire." And he slapped the lines down on the mare's flank and jogged off through the dust. He could not have suspected anything that man couldn't.

"Bad luck and a girl?... To hell with both!" he said. "Shore you're talkin' religion. Thet's where both luck an' gurls come from," replied the unlucky gamester. "Will one of you hawgs pass the whiskey?" The increased interest with which Kells looked down upon Jim Cleve was not lost upon Joan.

He's mighty close-mouthed about his doin's, anyway." "You're shoutin'. I ain't never seen a man any stingier about hidin' away his doin's. He just nacherly hawgs all the trouble." Weaver got up and sauntered to the far end of the gallery, leaning far out to look toward Manti.

"'Please yerself, sez I. 'Any ole holt is my fav'rite. "'Anythin' goes, then, sez he, makin' a rush at me. "Jest then we hear a turrible noise, gruntin', squealin', an' sich. We both stopped an' looked eround, an' thar stood watchin' us a big band o' wild hawgs. "'Fresh meat! we both hollers simultaneous. At this ther hawgs ups an' runs.

"She can't swear them hawgs war possessed by the devil," he said in a low tone to his next neighbor. "Oh, why not," exclaimed the girl, "when we know so many men air possessed by the devil, why not them shoats, bein' jes' without clothes, an' without the gift o' speech to mark the diff'unce!"

"They says dat red-haided peckerwoods goes to the devil on Fridays, and Mas' Adam he cured my hawgs with nothing but a sack full of green cabbage heads in January, he did," said Rufus, as he rolled his big black eyes and mysteriously shook his old head with its white kinks. "No physic a-tall, jest cabbage and a few turnips mixed in the mash.

"I can just tell you this," interrupted the fat lady: "I don’t enjoy occupying premises after hawgs, no matter how fashionable you name ’em. A hawg’s a hawg, with manners according, if it’s named after the President of the United States or the King of England." "That’s just what I used to think, marm, of all critters before I enjoyed that degree of friendliness that I’m now proud to own.

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