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Updated: August 13, 2024

They had imitations there of every celebrated stone; but I never expected anything made by man could delude Mr. Acton, never!" And she went off into another mocking cackle, and all the idiots round her haw-hawed knowingly, as if they had seen the joke all along. I was too bewildered to reply, which was on the whole lucky.

They had imitation there of every celebrated stone; but I never expected anything made by man could delude Mr. Acton, never!" And she went off into another mocking cackle, and all the idiots round her haw-hawed knowingly, as if they had seen the joke all along. I was too bewildered to reply, which was on the whole lucky.

"Wal, you see I got upsot over yonder, and the old horse went home while I was floundering in a drift, so I tied on the buffalers to tote 'em easy, and come along till I see the children playin' in the holler. I jest meant to give 'em a little scare, but they run like partridges, and I kep' up the joke to see how Eph would like this sort of company," and Gad haw-hawed again.

A flush crept up into the boy's face, but his lips were firm now, and as he turned to face the others his eyes narrowed slightly. "If it's so cold as that mebbe you'd like me to try it on yuh," he suggested significantly. The short man haw-hawed again, but not quite so boisterously. Buck noticed that he held the branding iron carefully away from his leg.

"Wal, Polly Ann, are ye tired of hanging out fer Tom?" he cried, when a dozen paces away. "I wouldn't be if you was the only one left ter choose," Polly Ann retorted. Chauncey Dike stopped in his tracks and haw-hawed with laughter. But I could see that he was not very much pleased. "Wal," said he, "I 'low ye won't see Tom very soon. He's gone to Kaintuckee."

And but never mind the rest of his outfit; it was just wild, but it was awful funny. The people most killed themselves laughing; and when the king got done capering and capered off behind the scenes, they roared and clapped and stormed and haw-hawed till he come back and done it over again, and after that they made him do it another time.

Frisky Squirrel stopped, sat down, and looked up at Mr. Crow in the tree above him. "Why not?" Frisky inquired. "Haven't you heard the news?" Mr. Crow asked him. "Haven't you heard that there's a cat at the farmhouse?" "I didn't know it," Frisky admitted. "But I don't see why I should turn back. I won't hurt her." Old Mr. Crow haw-hawed. "I don't believe," he croaked, "you've ever met a cat."

An' when Simm Bruce busted in some of the gang haw-hawed him an' said as how he'd get the third cut from Jean Isbel's bowie. Bruce was half drunk an' he began to cuss an' rave about Jean Isbel bein' in love with his girl.... As bad luck would have it, a couple of more fellars come in an' asked Meeker questions.

Crookes applied the same methods to the study of these manifestations that he used in his other researches, and piled up a mass of evidence, yet his fellows of the Royal Academy sneered or haw-hawed and do yet. Do you know, doctor," he continued, "I have moments when I dimly suspicion that we scientists are a thought too arrogant. We lose the expectant mind.

And but never mind the rest of his outfit; it was just wild, but it was awful funny. The people most killed themselves laughing; and when the king got done capering and capered off behind the scenes, they roared and clapped and stormed and haw-hawed till he come back and done it over again, and after that they made him do it another time.

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