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She fitted the garden exceedingly well, though nothing was further from her thoughts. At the far end, among a tangle of roses and beneath a group of shade-trees, the Harringtons had set a little fountain, a flat, low-set marble basin with a single jet of water springing high, and falling almost straight down again.

Convicted of Tailordom, these Harringtons appeared to shine with double lustre. How was it? They were at a loss to say. They certainly could say that the Countess was egregiously affected and vulgar; but who could be altogether complacent and sincere that had to fight so hard a fight?

Harrington's horse when, after dark, that gentleman drove over from Olney with his wife and sister to call on Mrs. Richard. It would almost seem that Ethelyn held a reception that evening, for more than the Harringtons knocked at the front door, and were admitted by the smiling Eunice.

"It has blindfolded and paralyzed you that is all!" "It maddened me to know that he loved another, and yet I acted with coolness throughout." "What was this penniless boy to either of us, that you should have thwarted, or, at least, delayed all my plans for James Harrington " "He is all the world to me!" cried Agnes, "Worth ten thousand General Harringtons and James Harringtons.

They asked him to write and let them know how he was getting along, but he would not promise. Miles wrote regularly to Rex, even when the latter did not reply. He and his father had moved into the handsome home next the Harringtons', with Mrs. Fox as housekeeper. "I wonder what people think of the thing," Rex said once to Roy. There had been no publicity about the transfer.

It was an uncomfortable breakfast-table to which the Harringtons sat down that morning. The lady of the house and Lina, its morning-star, were both absent, and the servant, who stood at the coffee-urn ready to distribute its contents, was a most unsatisfactory substitute. Their absence left a gloom on everything.

The Harringtons had returned, bringing the De Guenthers with them in triumph. Mrs. De Guenther was a dear little old lady who took a deep interest in the whole scheme, and was of great use in the costuming. Mr.

"I wonder," mused John, "whether she's a kitten, or a tiger? Anyway, I was It! ... I can't stand any more of anything just now. I'll get out till dinner-time!" He tiptoed downstairs, and in his turn slid out the back door. The Haveniths were still talking to the Harringtons on the front veranda, he noted with a certain pleasure in their durance, and Phyllis' back looked polite but tired.

Who that looks but for a moment at their Swartwouts, their Prices, their Harringtons, and their hundreds of others scampering away with the public money to Texas, to Europe, and to every spot of the earth where a villain may hope to find refuge from justice, can at all doubt that they are most distressingly affected in their heels with a species of running itch?

Does he understand all that I think and suffer? Does he know how that day among the water lilies haunts my memory?" "There is an American family on board some persons whom the Harringtons have met before in the South, and who have attempted to renew the acquaintance.