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Updated: August 13, 2024

And Ralph went over and congratulated her. And Dr. Small sat perfectly still in the corner. And then the Squire called them to order, and said: "As our friend Hanner Thomson is the only one left on her side, she will have to spell against nearly all on t'other side.

It is begging I laves to the wife I have." "Then you have a wife?" "I have, your hanner; and a daughter, too; and a good wife and daughter they are. What would become of me without them I do not know." "Have you been long in Wales?" "Not very long, your hanner; only about twenty years." "Do you travel much about?" "All over North Wales, your hanner; to say nothing of the southern country."

"They're coming," said Shocky to Ralph, "they're coming. Pete Jones is a-going to bind me out for a hundred years. I wish Hanner would hold me so's he couldn't. God's forgot all about us here in Flat Creek, and there's nobody to help it." And he shivered at every sudden sound. He was never free from this delirious fright except when the master held him tight in his arms.

'I think not. 'Wal, I guess he didn't; anyhow, he give me a sort of inquirin' look an' started off ahead of me. An' who d'ye s'pose he was? I shook my head, anxious only that she should get on with the story. 'Wal, as sure as my name's Hanner Camp, 'twas that feller 't changed the money fer Camp; the furriner one that I see in that Cayrow house; the one with the hands! 'But you said

"'Farewell, your hanner, and long life and prosperity to you! God bless your hanner and your Orange face. Ah, the Orange boys are the boys for keeping faith. They never served me as Dan O'Connell and his dirty gang of repalers and emancipators did.

Yere hanner's hanner asked me if I ever did anything in the way of striopachas now I tell ye that I was never asked to do anything in that line but by one of them folks a great man amongst them he was, both in the way of business and prayer, for he was a commercial traveller during six days of the week and a preacher on the seventh and such a preacher.

But he trembled at the thought of an avenging big brother. "Hanner, you kin come along, too, ef you're a mind, when you git the dishes washed," said Mrs. Means to the bound girl, as she shut and latched the back door.

"'They never did, your hanner; but they have heard it played of ould by the blackguard Orange fiddlers of Dublin on the first of July, when the Protestant boys used to walk round Willie's statue on College Green so if your hanner gives me the shilling they may perhaps bring out something like it. "'Very good, said I; 'begin! "'But, your hanner, what shall we do for the words?

Suppose that the custom that is in vogue among the Indians should be in use among us, we would have instead of "George Washington" and "Hanner Jane," and such beautiful names, some of the worst jaw-breakers that ever was. Suppose the attending physician should go to the door after a child was born and name it after the first object he saw.

"Perhaps, after all," said I; "you had better join the Methodists I should say that their ways would suit you better than those of any other denomination of Christians." Yere hanner knows nothing about them, otherwise ye wouldn't talk in that manner. Their ways would never do for people who want to have done with lying and staring, and have always kept themselves clane from striopachas.

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